View Full Version : Audio: Key Change

Albert Rodgers
August 27th, 2004, 10:35 AM
Hey Guys,

I have a friend who is a vocalist. He is wondering can I change the key of some of his musical tracks. How can I do this in Vegas?
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


Peter Jefferson
August 27th, 2004, 11:08 AM
vegas cant do this, but Pro Tools has a plugin called auto tune which literally repairs the note if it is off..

basically its standard used for all "vocalists" pretty much everythign u hear these days runs thru this plugin..

Douglas Spotted Eagle
August 27th, 2004, 12:38 PM
In Vegas;
Select the area you wish to change, or entire track if you wish to change the whole thing.
Then, with the track selected, press - or =. - will lower the track in 1/2 step increments, and = will raise the track in 1/2 step increments.
If you hold CTRL while pressing - or =, you'll raise/lower the track in cents rather than semi-tones. Great for correcting pitch.

BTW, Vegas does do this. Always has had the ability to shift pitch, it just got easier in Vegas 5.

Peter Jefferson
August 28th, 2004, 10:19 AM
i knew it could shift the pitch just like soundforge but for sample and note accuracy, your still playin it by ear. which in most cases its workable, but as its not a an enveloping effect within vegas, you will notice the stepping as the key changes.. in soundforge u have an envelope which allows u to set points and ramp the affected area, in vegas u cant do this.. it cant set an envelope for pitch...

Douglas Spotted Eagle
August 28th, 2004, 12:48 PM
Shifting pitch and ramping/VSO-style bending are two different things. Changing the key of a song/vocal is not pitch bending/ramping. As I said, Vegas does this, and has always done this, it just got easier with a display in version 5. It shows the semitones that you are shifting by in both up/down formats, as well as showing you the degree of cents that you are shifting up/down. And if you know the original key of the song, you'll know with precision how far up/down you're going by the semi-tone indicator.

Peter Jefferson
August 31st, 2004, 10:52 AM
im using pro tools for just that purpose, maybe i should take another look at V5 again..

i still dont see how highlighting a note and shifting it will offer a smooth transition... like i said ill have a look.. but it seems that there will be a nuance at point where the shifted/affected pitch takes place.. (or whatever point the adjustment is made..