View Full Version : Schoeps CMC5 + MK41
Dan Lahav August 25th, 2004, 10:51 PM Someone I know is selling a CMC5 and MK41 unit for $800. Is this a good deal? I'm thinking about selling my sanken cs-1 and getting one of these. How does this mic compare to MKH416 or other "industry standard" shotguns (and yes i know this isnt a shotgun)? I can only afford to keep one of these mics... What do you guys think?
Bryan Beasleigh August 26th, 2004, 12:03 AM Buy that sucker!
The CMC5 is a 48 volt phantom preamp and the MK41 super cardoid is argueably the very best dialog mic available. It sells for $590 for the preamp plus $725 for the capsule and you very rarely get deals like this one.
My MKH60 complements my MK41 just fine, so the 416 will as well.
To put it simply. the MK41 sounds like a mic should. Once you listen to that microphone, most other mics will sound inferior.
Read Schoeps tech notes here to gettera better understanding. (
Listen to the Schoeps uncompressed files with good headphones or monitors. Here are examples and comparisons with various other mics. (
Matt Gettemeier August 26th, 2004, 04:00 AM If this is an excellent condition mic... hopefully one of the newer matte gray models... and you DON'T decide to get it... why don't you email me with the details of this seller.
Here's the deal. The Schoeps isn't thin, it isn't fat... it isn't warm, it isn't cold. The Schoeps is one of the only mics that doesn't sound like a mic... it sounds like reality. It is absolutely 100% UNcolored. If you look up the Schoeps data you'll see that it has the most perfect polar pattern of any mic available. With cheap-ass mics if they give a polar pattern they only give it for ONE frequency and it's not even an accurate chart... so it looks like 1 nice bubble with a big front and small rear. The Schoeps looks the same way... but they're charts are REAL and they are for ALL the frequencies! When you look at some other manufacturer's polar plot... and I'm referring to a HIGH-end mic here... you'll see that the lines wiggle and converge and spread. Why these polar plots are so important is because, more then anything else, this tells you what the mic will sound like in practical use. Frequency response coupled to this is an issue... but the Schoeps is perfect there also.
The gist is that a mic with a perfect polar pattern is the only uncolored mic. People describe all kinds of mics as uncolored, but the fact is that the ONLY thing which can make a mic uncolored is the polar pattern. When you see the super-tight pattern like on the Schoeps... what that means is that the direct sound getting to the microphone is the same, no matter then angle... AND the bounced sound of the room is the same, no matter the angle. With a Schoeps the aim of the microphone is mainly for volume and clarity apart from the environment. With a Schoeps you can mic two or more people and feather the mic for VOLUME of each speaker... the people off-axis will have the exact same tone of voice as they will ON axis... so mic movement and positioning isn't nearly as crucial with this mic.
Simply put... the Schoeps is the only perfect mic I know of.
Realize that you're not comparing apples to apples however. The CS1 is a tool as much as it is a mic... the CS1 has virtually no rear lobe... it's like a hyper-cardioid out front and a cardioid (or better) in the rear. That is one seriously tough trick to pull off... not even the Schoeps can boast that. In practical use you may find times that a mic w/o a rear pickup is a life-saver. It's a bummer that you have to decide which mic to get/keep.
In practical use... the lack of a tail on one mic... and the perfect polar pattern on another... are probably about of equal value. I've got some mics with really good patterns... but not perfect... and they sound really good. I've got some mics that have little rear tail... and they sound good.
In the end the thing is... it would be hard for me to pass up the Schoeps. It's the mic to own for anybody who loves to record sound... not to mention it's the ULTIMATE cred.
Jay Massengill August 26th, 2004, 08:00 AM For comparison pricing a stereo pair of Schoeps omni MK2 capsules with two CMC6 preamps, two suspensions, two windscreens and the wooden box went for a little over $2050 on ebay the other day.
The dealer looked legit and the pictures he sent me looked good. I had bid, but didn't have the money to go that high. Especially since I would have had to resell the omnis anyway to get the capsules I really wanted. Oh well :-(
Dan Lahav August 26th, 2004, 09:56 AM Thanks for the help guys... Matt, you're right, I do wish i could keep both but funds are lacking atm. Also, this isnt an ebay auction. I actually found this guy through a friend. I'm going to receive pictures today or tomorrow and i'll send them to you before i make any hasty decisions :)
Dan Lahav August 26th, 2004, 10:56 AM OK I just found out that the mic is about 10 years old, barely used, and has a silver body (not the newer grey matte). Aparently works great. What do you guys think? Should I go for it?
BTW the owner of the microphone is Mick Fowler, sound mixer (and emmy winner) for CSI. I called him while they were shooting; i had no idea who he
Bryan Beasleigh August 26th, 2004, 11:32 AM Buy it, that's $515 less than a new one and it'llsound the same.
Dan Lahav August 26th, 2004, 11:40 AM Hey beas- do you know if the caps sold nowadays will work with the older model? Thanks
Bryan Beasleigh August 26th, 2004, 01:01 PM Yes they do. The CMC5 is a current model and all mics and caps are available in silver or gray.
Dan Lahav August 26th, 2004, 02:58 PM you guys rock. thanks for your help, i think im gonna pick it up :-D