View Full Version : I Wonder if Canon's Are Popular with Olympic Shooters?

Ken Tanaka
August 24th, 2004, 04:57 PM
End of story. (

Hey, that fellow on all fours behind a camera looks like Jeff D.!

Michael Wisniewski
August 24th, 2004, 11:07 PM
Looks like Canon took the gold medal on that one but it makes me wonder what the battery charger station looks like.

Let's see that would be about 60 million megapixels worth of data?

Bernard Diaz
August 25th, 2004, 05:48 PM
Nice glass hah?
Do you suppose that most of those cameras are 1D Mark II's?
I think I see quite a few film SLR's.

Ken Tanaka
August 25th, 2004, 07:14 PM
All of the cameras in that top shot are 1D bodies. The camera at far left is a Mark II but the rest appear to be the original 1D, which makes sense because that's been the staple of sports PJ's (due to its speed) since it was introduced.

Someone who covers sports photography for an organization supported in part by Canon remarked that Canon encourages them to take shots that show large groups of white lenses and/or Canon bodies. When they turn in their cards they are supposed to tag cards that feature such shots. Interesting. Certainly can't blame Canon.