View Full Version : Windows media brightens too much

Lars Siden
August 24th, 2004, 01:13 PM

I really like the Windows Media Encoder 9 - BUT, I think it brightens the video too much. Haven't found any setting for the encoder to change brightning-level.

Am I alone having this problem?

Here I darkened the video prior to encoding it... the result is OK - 5.8mb file for 1.44 minute video at 15fps ... quality is above average for web-video at least in my opinion :-)

// Lazze \\

One more thing - what's your feeling about microsofts MJPEG 4 v2 encoder?

Rob Lohman
August 25th, 2004, 02:10 AM
How did you export this exactly? Did you load up the file in the
standalone encoder or did you export from an NLE?

Lars Siden
August 25th, 2004, 04:47 AM
I used the stand alone MS Media Converter program.

It's real tricky making the judgement for web video... quality or size.. viewing size... is it going to be viewed on CRT or TFT...

Rob Lohman
August 25th, 2004, 04:55 AM
It definitely is and therefore you can never really get it right. It
will look different on all systems. I haven't used the WM encoder
myself so I don't know it does, doesn't do or how you can
influence it, but it sure does sound strange it would brighten it.

Perhaps this is due to some automatic settings that tries to
level the exposure or something? (just a wild guess).

Otherwise you might try a WM export from your NLE.

Christopher Lefchik
September 4th, 2004, 09:08 PM
I have had this exact same problem with the Windows Media Encoder 9 series. I can't remember having it when I export from within Premiere Pro v1, though.
