View Full Version : Close up using VX2000 with/without macro lens

Rick Barry
August 22nd, 2004, 10:11 AM
Having owned my "nearly new" vx2000 for 3 weeks now, and added a telephoto converter and wide-angle lens, I would like to ask members advice about the macro capabilities of this cam.
Without a macro lens, what is the best technique of filming close up objects, and how close can you get before losing focus. Do you choose the widest angle and get in close or do you zoom. If a macro lens is the best answer, what lens have you got and at what price?
Thanks in anticipation,


Rick Barry
August 23rd, 2004, 11:54 AM
Having spent some time yesterday trying close ups of flowers and insects, it would appear that the widest angle setting allows the largest images of the subject matter to be captured. however, the drawback is that you have to get so close to the subject that the lens is practically touching the bee/flower/caterpillar and causes unwanted interference with the subject, coupled with the reduction in light due to the close proximity of the subject and its' surroundings to the lens. Would a macro lens allow for an even closer view but maintain a greater physical distance from the subject matter ?
Any one here have any experience of using a macro filter with the vx2000/2100 ?
many thanks