View Full Version : And at the Other End of the Spectrum...

Ken Tanaka
August 20th, 2004, 01:51 AM
...we have the first disposable drugstore digital camera ( This will likely be the new "winner" in the volksphoto arena.

Rob Lohman
August 20th, 2004, 04:12 AM
The line that scares me says something like:

" after processing can be recycled "

Or in other words, this is an easy way for them to make a lot more
money. It probably won't be too long before "hacks" arrive to
read and delete the pictures yourself I'd say.

I can see why they would do it, but it's a weird idea non-the-less.

Jeff Donald
August 20th, 2004, 05:35 AM
Ritz had a disposable digital camera out over a year ago. It used a "proprietary connection" and "proprietary code" to force the user to bring the camera back to Ritz to have the images processed. It took some guy about 2 weeks to crack the code and make the necessary cable out of parts from Radio Shack. Ritz pulled the camera