View Full Version : Canon XL1s and Pinnacle DC 1000 DV

Alan Van Vliet
November 9th, 2001, 07:01 PM

I shoot the Canon XL1S and am using Premiere 5.1c. P Driver 2.0

1)I am unable to capture a "still digital photo" from the camera (six second still image with audio).

2)I also need to be able to capture "still frames" from my
input..(shooting extensive tennis instructional videos)and I need to be able to pull out specific frames to show specific sequences.

Please advise in regards to capabilities and also to alternate ways to achieve these results.

Thanks in advance for any ideas and suggestions. .

Chris Hurd
November 20th, 2001, 08:29 AM
The only fast solution I can think of, is the Canon FR-100 floppy disk still image recorder (about $200 from any Canon dealer). FireWire from your camera to this box, and it writes a standard .JPG image to a floppy disk, which you can move to your computer.

The problems you're having are, I think, related to the Pinnacle card and not the camera.

Bill Ravens
November 20th, 2001, 02:44 PM
I capture still images from my XL1s all the time via Pinnacle Studio 7. Lately, I've been playing with a great piece of shareware called Scenalizer Live for still image captures from video. Here's the link for Scenalyzer Live.

Alan Van Vliet
November 21st, 2001, 03:49 AM
Thanks for the ideas. I did speak with Canon Tech department yesterday and they also recomended a software program called Photo DV from Discrete.

I will post any successes.

Regards, Al