View Full Version : Lets hear your suggestions for storage media

Dan Holly
August 6th, 2002, 10:54 AM
In the process of making the feature we are working on, I've found it hard to keep all the DV footage in full rez due to storage constraints.

Of course I have all the master tapes to go back to when the time comes for post, but I need another way.

Using Pinnacle you can store ~1.5 hours on each 40gig hard drive.

I'm running out of space and want to find out from people who have had this same situation.....what they used for solutions.

I'm setup for ATA 100/133, RAID, USB 2.0, and Firewire currently.

Suggestions? Comments?

Jason Wood
August 6th, 2002, 11:54 AM
Your best bet is to buy another hard drive. You should be able to digitize about 4.5 minutes of AVI a gig.

Or you can make due with what you have and make strict paper edits before you begin to capture your footage.

What's your shooting ratio?

Don Donatello
August 7th, 2002, 09:40 AM
IBM 120gig drives ( 8 3/4 hrs) can be found for 132 .... sometimes i see 80gigs on sale for 60 after rebates ...i just keep buying more drives and mount them in pull out cases .....

shooting ratio on documentarys around 70-1

Dan Holly
August 7th, 2002, 01:49 PM
How are those IBM drives treating you?

I've heard of many bad experiences with the IBM drives in the last year.........mostly on high pressure web servers that are running 24X7.

And, if you didn't know....IBM is getting out of the storage business soon if not already, if that is any indication of the issues they have had in the last year with their storage media division (pure speculation on why they are getting out....on my part BTW).

I'm at the point that you are on buying more HD's........
I was actually looking to see if anyone was using external storage type "banks" in the firewire or USB 2.0 flavors in my quest for new ideas.

K. Forman
August 7th, 2002, 06:20 PM
I use two 100 gig Western Digitals in an internal raid array. I found I'm up to 33% freespace now, after dumping 40 gig of Canopus' funky info clips. Now, I'm thinking Firewire drives....

Margus Kivilaan
August 8th, 2002, 02:45 AM
hi all,
i had a possibility to try 20 Gig external firewire drive (don't even know maker) with Vaio laptop and Purple software. It worked better than i expected. I was able to edit directly from/to ext drive, no need to copy files to internal HD. However, Vaio has internal f/w port, purple uses its own pcmcia f/w port, i don't know what happens if VTR and drive are sharing the same f/w port. And these drives are a bit too expensive for long term storage.
regards, Margus

Don Donatello
August 8th, 2002, 10:34 PM
<How are those IBM drives treating you?
<I've heard of many bad experiences with the IBM drives in the <last year.........mostly on high pressure web servers that are <running 24X7.

so far they are running good ... the older GXP 75 models had problems running 24/7 and law suits were filed. IBM solved the problem with the cuurent GXP 120's by adding PRINT to the spec's. IBM's recommendation of just 333 power-on hours per month should solve the problem with servers !!!!!!

>from storgae review :
>Q: Back to this recommendation of power on hours, why did IBM >introduce it?
>A: We want our customers to know that IBM drives are reliable >and we are working to make our drives more reliable. One way >to show this is to inform the customers of what usage is >appropriate for the drive. Limiting the power on hours should >significantly reduce failures.

Rob Lohman
August 19th, 2002, 09:16 AM
Currently i'm working with large drives. Since i'm shooting not too
large scenes (and each shot/scena is a different avi file) i tend to
burn a lot of CD-R's... i'm seriously considering moving to DVD-R
for my backup needs. I just with blue-ray disc was here with
190 GB or something.