Christopher Reynolds
August 11th, 2004, 09:57 PM
Im sure this has been posted before somewhere else, but just to clarify for other users' searches, you can obtain a Saving Private Ryan hasty suspenseful action look by turning up your shutter speed to its absolute maximum speed, then to compensate for the light change, open your iris accordingly to fit your lighting needs. Also, by opening your iris, you will achieve a semi-shallow DOF helping you keep the subject in a more defined focus for the shot. Hope this helps someone.
p.s. I achieved this look with my Canon XL1s on frame mode. With OIS both on and off, different effects were achieved, yet remaining hectic looking with the high shutter speed.
edit: oh dear god in heaven, I just read a few threads down exactly what I was talking about, darn subconscious remembering things and making me a fool! Anywho, this thread should still be useful for those who use the search! Sorry about the repost of info!!!
p.s. I achieved this look with my Canon XL1s on frame mode. With OIS both on and off, different effects were achieved, yet remaining hectic looking with the high shutter speed.
edit: oh dear god in heaven, I just read a few threads down exactly what I was talking about, darn subconscious remembering things and making me a fool! Anywho, this thread should still be useful for those who use the search! Sorry about the repost of info!!!