View Full Version : Display Cards - Suggestions

Andrew Leigh
August 6th, 2002, 04:31 AM

I currently use a Voodoo 3 3000 (16Meg) AGP. It might be my imagination or merely coincidence but since using Prem 6.0 the video playback image seems to suffer. In Windows Media Player the quality of .avi files on playback is much poorer than in the Raptor or Premier screens. Also when the action on screen is slow the picture is OK, but the minute things get moving there is a ghosting type image that I get.

Is it time for a new card ?
Do I need more memory on the card?
What are the important criteria to look for in a card?
Any card suggestions that would work with the DVRaptor?


PS: Would be nice to have a card that support dual monitors.

Peter Lock
August 6th, 2002, 04:58 AM

If you use or intent to use Dual Monitors, I would recommend the Raedon 7500/or 8500. or the G550 Matrox card.


Adrian Douglas
August 6th, 2002, 07:55 AM
I don't know if it's your card but I'll back up the Matrox recommendation. I'm still using my 16MB Dual Head G400 and it works a treat for video work. I'd go with the 550 if I were you but first I'd check it is compatable with your capture card, sound card, motherboard etc.

Dan Holly
August 6th, 2002, 10:40 AM
I'll show my support for the Radeon 7500 64meg DDR series.

I'm a closet "gamer" also, so I'm in to the high number of frame refresh rates.

A voodoo 3 has 16meg of memory, so my opinion would be that it's time to upgrade.

Andrew Leigh
August 6th, 2002, 12:06 PM
Matrox is sounding good at this point. The G400 worked with the Raptor. Don't see why this one would not.

One comment I saw on the net was "this is a workhorse, more focussed on video applications than gaming". I am not a gamer at all so this could be it.

Would be good to hear from DVRaptor people.


Andrew Leigh
August 11th, 2002, 09:47 AM

I have bought and installed the Matrox G550. I am one unhappy camper, perhaps someone is able to help ot perhaps my expectations are way too high.

Reason for upgrading from the Voodoo 3 3000 was to get better image quality on the monitor. The monitor by the way is a Phillips 107S 17" and the setup is 1024 x 768 with 32 bit True Colour and a screen refresh rate of 85Hz.

There were two problems which appeared to be interrelated. The first was an irritating "ghosting" of things that moved with reasonable rapidity. So a dog running on the beach would show ghosting on the legs. The second was pixelation under the same conditions. Fast moving things would either ghost or block.

I tried to change my screen resolution to 640 x 480 and the problem gets even worse. This problem manifests in RapVideo, Windows Media Player and Premiere.

So I go get a "better" card and the problem has not gone away or improved. What am I doing wrong, are there basic setting I don't know about? Do I expect too much from the system?



PS: 512Meg Ram, ASUS P3V4X @ 733MHx PIII Intel, DVRaptor with Premiere 6