Dan Lukehart
August 21st, 2009, 01:21 AM
I am getting RF interferience on my KM184. I purchased it used and I get quite a bit of RF interferience from it. Once for a few seconds every 5-10 min or so. It makes it unuseable because I loose takes and shots that cant be done again. I need my cabled mics to never have this problem. I read somewhere on another forum that the older KM184's had this problem but offered no solution.
Is there something I can do to fix this? Get it repaired? Ive never had this problem with a cabled mic before.
Dan Lukehart
August 21st, 2009, 01:25 AM
maybe this?
Shure - A15RF In-Line RF Interference Attenuator (http://store.shure.com/store/shure/en_US/pd/productID.104211000)
the sound i am getting is similar to when your cell phone is about to go off next to your clock radio. its a soft beeping type sound. I have assumed this is RF though I dont know much about it.
Dan Lukehart
August 21st, 2009, 02:08 AM
I found an example and uploaded a 18 second clip:
YouTube - Audio Problem KM184 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54wP8IUeTm0)
John Willett
August 21st, 2009, 03:39 AM
Explain the problem to Sennheiser / Neumann USA, it may need looking at.
Check your cables - many RF problems can be cables or mixer.
Change the cable XLRs to the Neutrik EMC XLR (http://www.neutrik.com/us/en/audio/204_1603252336/EMC-XLR_Series_productlist.aspx)s (this is what I am doing now to all my cables). The EMC XLR has a ferrite bead on pin-1, a ring capacitor that connects pin-1 to the shell and a toothed ring round the female for good connection.
The Canford Audio XLR In-Line RF Filter (http://www.canford.co.uk/Products/20-766-CANFORD-XLR-INLINE-RF-FILTER-XLR-inout) is excellent and I always carry a few with me. Used at the miser end (rather than at the mic. end like the Shure one).
Also - consider changing the mic. cable to star-quad (I use this type for all my mic. cables).
I hope this helps.