View Full Version : Deciding on the Ultimate DVX100 mic!

Barry Rivadue
August 9th, 2004, 05:35 PM
I know these mics have been well commented on, but I'm in a tizzy trying to find the right reason (other than $$$) which might serve me best. I have a DVX100 and I think I could use one more mic that really rounds off my audio kit.

The nominees:

AT 4073a
Sanken CS-1
Senn MKH416

Yes, the usual suspects. Each mic is excellent, I know, but to make my decision making more precise I'm wondering if any of the above are more >advantageous< for the DVX100. The more points one mic might serve the DVX100 better will help me understand better how worthwhile a leap to "the really great mic in my collection" will be. :D

I should add that I do indoor and outdoor shoots about equally.

Jun Galinato
August 9th, 2004, 05:49 PM
"I should add that I do indoor and outdoor shoots about equally."

Then your best choice is the Sanken CS-1

Bryan Beasleigh
August 9th, 2004, 08:23 PM
Why split the topic. Mics are NOT camera specific.

The ultimate DVX100 mic will be the ultimate mic for everything. We're discussing hot and heavy right next door. Barry listen to the clips, all of those mics will sound the same on the DVX100.

And yes the one mic is the CS-1 Just like we said in the next thread over.

Barry Rivadue
August 9th, 2004, 08:25 PM
Ah, okay--just wondering if some mics lend themselves to any advantage with a specific camcorder. Evidently that is not an essential thing.

Anyone care to disagree? :D

Bryan Beasleigh
August 9th, 2004, 08:56 PM
If anything the DVX will do more justice to any decent mic given it's excellent audio section.

If the mics were camera specific ( and they are not) then the post should be to the specific camera forum, in this case the DVX100

My point is that i spent the better part of an hour doing just one post alone. To see the same question asked right next door is wasted time in my view when all of the answers are already there.

All questions are fair game and if i didn't care i wouldn't have spent the time crafting my responses.

Barry Rivadue
August 10th, 2004, 06:55 AM
I'll admit I didn't see your topic when I first posted my own. :D Anyway, I'm always learning plenty.

Jacques Mersereau
August 10th, 2004, 05:16 PM
I used my Schoeps MK41 with a colleague's DVX100a and was pleased with
the results.

Remember, high end mics are VERY susceptible to WIND. VERY!!!

I had a full Rycote system.

Matt Gettemeier
August 10th, 2004, 06:46 PM
I don't think there is any one "ultimate" mic... The Sanken CS3 probably comes the closest because of it's pattern, rejection, and sound.

You're going to find that the best hammer in the world won't drive screws as well as the cheapest screwdriver in the world.

I've got a 416 and I love it when it's the mic for the job... but my puny little Oktava can beat out the Sennheiser when it's called for.

A lav can beat them both when that's what's needed...

And finally a dynamic stick mic, such as the AKG D230 or EV RE50 will be the best choice when that's what's needed.

If you give me an exact set of parameters then I'll tell you the ultimate mic*... there is ONE ultimate mic for each set of circumstances... but unfortunately circumstances change a lot.

Close range outdoor shooting without very problematic off axis sounds? Mkh60

Same situation with interfering noise? CS3

Interiors with dialog? Mk41

*These are my opinions. You may find that the mic you like the sound of best for a given use varies... there is a huge following of the Sanken CS3 that thinks it's the hands-down best mic there is.