View Full Version : Is anyone anxious to see Exorcist: The Beginning
Brack Craver August 8th, 2004, 06:20 PM Okay, this thing should be a disaster: three different directors, a COMPLETE reshoot (the studio canned the version Paul Schrader turned in but will release it on DVD), and they hired Renny Harlin to make the final version (The Adventures of Ford Fairlane, uggggh)....So why am I excited about seeing this- because it involves The Exorcist, the scariest movie of all time. I will be going in with low expectations but if they start playing Tubular I said, low expectations but hope.
Keith Loh August 8th, 2004, 07:26 PM The trailer looks good and if I hadn't known previously about all of the Shraeder- remake nonsense I would have been quite interested. I'll wait for the reviews. Trailers are misleading.
Dylan Couper August 9th, 2004, 02:57 AM I'm sure it will be at least as good as Exorcist 2 and 3.....
Sorry, saw the trailer and it reminded me of a bad movie with a good trailer.
Rick Bravo August 9th, 2004, 02:56 PM I agree Dylan, it will probably be just as good as 2 or 3!
Brack, you are absolutely correct. The Exorcist is probably the most terrifying movie, on a visceral level, ever made. The fight between good and pure evil has never been portrayed as effectively as in this movie.
This new movie will probably another "Blockbuster Weekend" pic for me.
For some of Director of Photography, Owen Roizman's comments on lighting the picture, try going to
For my a look at my personal Exorcist page, you can go to
Brack Craver August 9th, 2004, 07:46 PM You have got to be kidding me Rick. Your dad worked as a cameraman on The Exorcist AND The French Connection! WOW! That is too cool. That is why I love this board. There are some really interesting and knowledgeable people on it. Also, thanks for the links. As for The Exorcist, no other horror movie even comes close in my opinion. That movie freaks me out to this day and I only sat through the whole thing once! Edited to say your dad also worked on Cruising. In my opinion that is a really underrated film. Anyway, your father and grandfather led really interesting lives. I'm sure your father had great stories.
Rick Bravo August 9th, 2004, 07:58 PM Thanks Brack.
I can honestly say that most of what I know today was learned from tagging along on the sets with my dad since I was six years old. It was a very interesting childhood for me growing up in NY.
My first day on the set of The Exorcist, Owen gave me $50 to be a lighting stand-in for Linda Blair, I lay in that bed for almost 1 1/2 hours until Linda came out of makeup...the only problem was when she came out of makeup, she appeared in FULL makeup and scared about 5 years out of me!!!
You're absolutely right about Cruising.
I'm glad you enjoyed the site!
Regards, RB.
John Hudson August 9th, 2004, 10:17 PM Ill check it on DVD, maybe.
Nothing compares to the original and making this one seems like overkill and just an excuse to use the name and score. Renny Harlin cant make a good film if his life depended on it and Im still in awe that he is a working director.
That being said? Im sure Renny could give a damn what I think.
Robert Mann Z. August 10th, 2004, 12:24 PM <<Renny Harlin cant make a good film if his life depended >>
are you saying The Adventures of Ford Fairlane wasn't a master piece?
John Hudson August 10th, 2004, 12:53 PM Well alright; sans Ford Fairlane. :P
Brack Craver August 19th, 2004, 04:26 PM Well, it's Thursday evening and there are still no reviews out there. Not a good sign. This is starting to look like The Village all over again. Will this be as bad as the second Exorcist? Could anything be as bad as the second Exorcist? And yet there is no way I won't be seeing it tomorrow. Meeting up with my bro for the 1 o clock showing. Been looking forward to this for a long time. Man, I'm a sucker. Damn you Renny Harlin!
Brack Craver August 20th, 2004, 03:45 PM I saw it today. Morgan Creek was smart not to have any advance screeenings for the critics. It is the worst film I've seen this year. Completely uninspired and filled with cliches. Renny Harlin has to be the most unimaginative director in Hollywood. A film like Cutthroat Island would have ended most careers but somehow this guy has managed to keep getting the fat paychecks. Perhaps this disaster will be the nail in his coffin and he can go back to Norway or wherever he came from and make movies of the week. The script, editing, and score are all terrible. Some of the blue screen/CGI stuff is laugh out loud bad. After getting over the shock and disappointment of just how pathetic this film was I spent most of the third act laughing my head off at the bad special effects and ridiculous attempts to scare the audience. Perhaps the most depressing thing was as I was leaving the theatre I heard someone say, "This was much better than the first one." Huh? Is this how far the general public has sunk? Are they completely incapable of discerning between a classic and this piece of garbage? Has the crap on tv made people this freakin' mindless? The whole thing has left me in disbelief. This flick deserves to be a bomb. If there is any justice in the world it will be gone in a week.
Joe Carney August 20th, 2004, 08:04 PM Glad someone saw this before me..
When I was 17, skipped school and went to see the original Excorcist with a few friends. One of them got so scared, he passed out. It was the only movie until Alien that scared the living daylights out of me. I went home promising God I would never skip school again. (like that stuck, hehehe).
have to understand, I came of age in the Bible belt (Arkansas). Most of us believed in spirits and demons. So we didn't exactly see it as fiction (even though we knew it was). Crips amighty.
It took me at least a month to get over that movie.
It is truly a classic. the rest are crap, as in dog.
John Hudson August 21st, 2004, 02:53 PM You nailed it with that comment. When the first one was released I was 3 years old but saw it on HBO (If I remember correctly) when I was about 8 or 9. This film scared the crap out of me. Not many films can scare me; as a child Carrie, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw and a few others got me good.
In 1973 this film dealt with issues of religious faith and that is what made this so terrifying I think; the fact that this could happen in the realm of Catholicsm, demonism, possession.
BTW Brack
Thanks for the review. Renny must have made a deal with the devil cause his films just plain suck.
Keith Loh August 22nd, 2004, 08:23 PM Extremely poor rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Kind of funny considering the amount of Internet promotion this movie has had on all of the popular movie sites.
Rotten Tomatoes (
Brack Craver August 22nd, 2004, 11:02 PM Thanks for the link Keith. Those are some BAD reviews! Morgan Creek is now saying they might release the Paul Schrader version theatrically but unless it's as laugh out loud funny as the Renny Harlin version I don't think I'll be going.
Jim Shields August 23rd, 2004, 01:39 PM Saw it at free screening last thursday night, with the voluminous Harry Knowles in attendance, sitting right behind me. I actually pretty much agree with his review over on aint it cool.
the CG was pathetic; there was a CG butterfly in a jar towards the beginning of the movie, and one of it's wings was in front of a jar that was in front of the jar it was supposed to be in. They plopped it on top of the frame, not in the frame. The mattes were horrible, and all the CG wildlife looked horrifically fake.
It had potential to be pretty cool; Merrin's character was pretty interesting, and he definitely had a profound character arc. The idea of the excavation site is pretty interesting, too. The basic ingredients were there for a great scary movie.
My biggest problem with it was it's reliance on cheap scares. There were probably 3 too many points where the strings screeched and there was a loud sound effect to make the crowd jump. Then there were gory bits, like a compound fracture, crows eating crows, etc. It didn't have the creepy tension of the original.
There was a straight-up Evil Dead/Army of Darkness ripoff shot, too. There's one part towards the end where the posessed person is running down a hallway, backlit, limbs and hair flailing wildly, wind and wailing sound effects... I swear I saw that shot at least twice in Army of Darkness. Only, Army of Darkness meant for it to be funny.