Marco Leavitt
August 8th, 2004, 10:45 AM
I was at Best Buy yesterday looking at an Optura 30, and couldn't for the life of me figure out how to switch on the 16:9 setting. I asked a salesperson if he knew, and he very condescendingly assured me that 16:9 was what regular video was shot at and it would display in the correct aspect ratio on a widescreen or regular TV automatically. He kept repeating the word "resolution" like a mantra. When I told him I thought the image would have to either appear stretched or letterboxed on a regular TV he gave me a blank look and said it was the right resolution. Can somebody tell me how to switch modes to 16:9 on this camcorder? I couldn't find it in the menu, and I checked over and over. I want to go back with a tape and shoot some footage to compare with my GL1.