View Full Version : Complete step/instructions from the beginning.

Danny Tan
August 2nd, 2004, 11:48 PM
ive been here when agus made the thread on his agus35. i tried making it but didn't have the money or the tools to achieve a sucessful product. well, now im back and have enough money to get everything needed. now it looks like the Aldu35 is the better choice for the poorman's 35.

if someone would kindly give me the instructions or a link to step by step procedure to make the Aldu35. the thread is too long and looks edited by the creator. i have a canon GL1 if that makes any difference. thnks!!

Danny Tan
August 3rd, 2004, 12:01 AM
and what is with the 4:4:4 cmos chip HD project thing? is that a project to turn a regular video camera to a HD capable camera? what is the price range on that project and instructons?

Rob Lohman
August 3rd, 2004, 04:33 AM
Danny: the 4:4:4 / HD threads are on building our own camera
with just components like a HD CMOS sensor etc. Prices are
speculative at best at this point in time.

Ernest Acosta
August 3rd, 2004, 12:59 PM
Danny, the Aldu adapter is still being developed. The problem is finding ground glass that is grain free. If the gg has grain and you pan the camera you will see images moving behind stationary grain. It doesn't look good so thats the purpose of spinning the glass. Film grain is not stationary and it fluctuates. So at this point I, myself is going back to the spinning glass or cd concept. The drawback is noise that the motor can create. No problem if your action is a good distance, but in close corners it can bleed into your audio.

Danny Tan
August 3rd, 2004, 02:34 PM
thx. i found some instructions here:

i get most of it but some parts are confusing. i have a Konica Hexanon AR 50mm F1.4 lens. pertaining to the instructions, i will need a F-Mount. the one the author of the instruction uses is this:

i searched konica mounts at bhphoto and came up with these results:*&shs=konica+mount

there are a number of mounts available and i don't know which one to get that will fit correctly. can someone let me know which one is the correct mount to get?

also a +7 diopter is needed. well i don't have $210 to get one from century optics. can someone link to me to a search on ebay that has +7 diopters for around $30? thx