View Full Version : Need help with documentry proposal

Christopher C. Murphy
July 30th, 2004, 08:54 AM
Hellow DVinfo'ers,

I've got an opportunity to try and get $1,000 to $3,000 for a documentry on my local town. I've got to pitch it to the powers that be, but I know for a fact they have $4,000 for "marketing" purposes and I'm the main volunteer for the marketing side of this particular project. (It's a "save our town's natural resources" project.)

Basically, I'd like to get some examples (in Word format??) of proposals for documentries or similar. I'm starting from scratch, so anything to help would be great!

Thank you to anyone who replies!


Dan Uneken
August 3rd, 2004, 04:19 PM

Since you haven't had any answers, I will send you a link to a site I know, for presenting proposals for AV projects, applying for subsidy (European Union).

There are two sets of PDF/Word files to download: the guidelines and the application form. You may learn something from the structure they prescribe for presenting the projects: it can be a start.