Steve McDonald
July 29th, 2004, 07:51 AM
I just read an NTSC VX2100 review on C-NET that stated that half MegaPixel J-PEG images were captured on its Memory-Stick. I would have thought these would be only 1/3 MegaPixel, since that's the limit of its CCDs. The model has no pixel offsetting to increase resolution. So, how does it produce that extra 160,000 pixels for its J-PEGS? Or, was the reviewer just making a very large rounding-off of the 340,000 pixel count? If 500,000 pixels are captured on J-PEGS, how would they be distributed? Wouldn't the vertical resolution still have to be just 480? Or could the J-PEG encoding add more horizontal lines? I don't think there's any standard J-PEG pixel size that matches a 500,000 count. Since I have no way of displaying my J-PEG output through anything other than S-Video, I wouldn't know if the stills were actually any sharper than the video limit of 640 X 480. I do know that the J-PEG stills of the VX2100 look better than any I've ever seen of that pixel size.
Steve McDonald
Steve McDonald