View Full Version : Help needed!

Vishal Gurung
July 28th, 2004, 05:57 PM
OK so it seems out of every 5 threads i pose, 4 starts with 'help!' hehe.. i do apologize, but it seems for every 10 things that run smoothly, i get at least 8 crisis situations. This is, as u can tell, one of them. I need Gl2 batteries, and short of spending $250+ tax on a Canon 945 batt, i was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions? I'm based in vancouver, and i've tried every single store i can think of (staples, FS, Leos, Commercial Electronics, LD) to see if anyone sells/rents batts for the Gl2. some of them sell, none of them rent. I've got a gig this sat and i'm in desperate need for some batteries, as the ones we ordered *yes from ebay and yes 2 weeks ago* has yet to arrive. Advice please? (and yes i will be better prepared for the next gig, i promise!:|)

Ken Tanaka
July 28th, 2004, 07:01 PM
Just buy some Power 2000 or Lenmar BP-945-compatible batteries from B&H. Less expensive, better capacity.

Thomas Gay
July 28th, 2004, 08:02 PM
I second the Lenmar batteries as I have three of them and they are great. I got mine from EVS ( they are out of the LA area and shipping is pretty quick. And for the price of them you just can't beat it.

Good luck with your gig!

Vishal Gurung
July 28th, 2004, 11:37 PM
thanks mucho for the quick reply guys, yes i would buy from those fellas but the wedding's this saturday, it's wednesday night as of right now and there's no way they'd be able to ship it here by friday. I would love some Vancouver, BC based advise, help? i'm pretty desperate here and looking like the ultimate greenhorn, but at this point pride is a non factor. ANY help would be much appreciated! cheers
