Mitch Buss
July 23rd, 2004, 05:52 PM
With the XL2 being released shortly, I'm sure that the prices of the XL1s will drop. Can anyone give me a realistic price that this camera will be at in 5 to 6 months? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
Dylan Couper
July 23rd, 2004, 09:18 PM
The XL2 is so expensive, that I can't see the XL1s market dropping too much, unless the used market becomes flooded with people selling their old XL1s'.
Don Palomaki
July 24th, 2004, 04:56 AM
Is the XL1s still in production or is it dscontinued? I would expect the street price to drop somewhat below where it was after the rebate.
I would expect the XL2 price to drop to about where the XL1s was before rebates, after the intital rush to buy one is over - probably by winter.
A significant factor in pricng is the price points of the competing Sony and Panasonic products. How much more are enough buyers willing to pay for the features unique to the XL2 vs. the PD170, etc.
Not a promise, just speculation based on observation of past events.
Rob Lohman
August 2nd, 2004, 10:29 AM
Don: I think the XL1S is discontinued since there were reports
dealers could not order them anymore or it wasn't in stock and
I guess Canon needs to build up a stock of XL2's.
G. Randy Brown
August 4th, 2004, 07:22 AM
"The XL2 is so expensive, that I can't ..."
I've seen this several times but wasn't the XL1s the same price ($5000 msrp).
Christopher Reynolds
August 11th, 2004, 04:51 PM
I bought my XL1s a few months ago and it ran me about 4.3k USD. That was the kit I purchased (with the 16x IS II Lens). It only makes sense to clear any older models by at least dropping the price somewhat, no matter how little. Im guessing that it might see around a $250 - $500 price drop in the following months of the XL2's appearance. Just a guess.
edit: Im pretty sure the XL1s is discontinued.