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Rob Lohman
April 18th, 2005, 06:19 AM
Why not look around this forum? Lot's of short movies posted here (in the
DV for the Masses forum your post is in as well).

Matt Weber
April 18th, 2005, 01:25 PM
I am very new to the world of video editing, but this site has been a great resource and i'm beginning to learn a lot. I made this short video for a camp that I work for and I'd like to get some constructive criticism for you all. Please tell me what you think! Sorry about the poor compressed quality. Go to this site and in the middle of the page towards the bottom you can download the video. Thanks.

Glenn Chan
April 19th, 2005, 12:30 AM

Still thinking of a title for this short piece... anyways, a little background... I go to Ryerson University of Radio and Television Arts and here's a short piece I did for schoolwork.

I applied strong color correction to it in Vegas. Color/gamma curves, saturation adjust, diffusion, "digital ND grads" in the wide shots. You can see a side-by-side comparison at:
Side-by-side color correction demo (

Any comments and feedback would be appreciated.

Glen Chua
April 19th, 2005, 01:01 AM

Still thinking of a title for this short piece... anyways, a little background... I go to Ryerson University of Radio and Television Arts and here's a short piece I did for schoolwork.

I applied strong color correction to it in Vegas. Color/gamma curves, saturation adjust, diffusion, "digital ND grads" in the wide shots. You can see a side-by-side comparison at:
Side-by-side color correction demo (

Any comments and feedback would be appreciated.

You did quite the amazing job with the color correction. I loved this short! Only thing, dunno though it might be just me cuz it's quite late, is the girl seemed a little bit stiff. Other than that though, good short! I really liked it!

Rob Lohman
April 19th, 2005, 05:25 AM
I thought it was nice as well, pretty funny!

Richard Alvarez
April 19th, 2005, 11:19 AM
"After Twilight" will screen at worldfest on Saturday, April 30th at 1 pm. See it at AMC Meyer Park 16, Digital theatre C 4730 West Bellfort, Houston Texas 77035

Admission is $6. The Program is "Shorta Thrillas" (I didn't name it)

#1. "Birthday Present" - 21:17 - USA - Peter Zhmutski, Director
#2 "Diamonds, Bullets & Fate" - 23:35 -USA - Peter Razal, Director
#3 "Ray of LIght" - 7:14 - Houston, Steve Ellis -Director
#4 "AFTER TWILIGHT" - 33:48 - Houston, Gary L. Watson, Director
#5 "The Light of Eons" - 15:55 USA -David Rogers, Director
#6 "Tears" - 7:30 - USA - Steve Wire, Director.

See our trailer at

"After Twilight" has already screened at "Freedom Festival" at Park City during Sundance and "Sedona Film Festival" in Arizona.

I won't be there, but Gary will.


Riley Harmon
April 19th, 2005, 11:39 PM
no feedback eh? okay

Ian Stark
April 20th, 2005, 03:33 AM
Hi Riley,

Here's some simple feedback for you. I loved it.

Took me a few seconds to realise it was all in reverse - in fact, first time round I didn't realise until he was at the fridge. For me that added a nice twist, but you may think I was just being dumb. It certainly made me want to watch it again.

As with all good stories, I was intrigued from the beginning.

There was a very striking moment when your man was leaving/enteringh the house, with the fan slowly spinning. Very cool. Was that a special effect or do you just have a very slow spinning fan? Also, when he's first arrived home, the dark figure running across the picture from left to right was perfect.

Soundtrack was great and fits perfectly (windscreen wipers were superb). I liked the transisitions from monochrome to colour and the rain added a nice image. All in all very cool photography.

If you want me to offer any constructive criticism (and I'm struggling to find anything really wrong!) I would say that there were a couple of compositions that I might have changed, for example there's a shot where your guy is sitting in a chair and we are viewing from his left side, across (I think) a table. There are a couple of objects (look like packets of some sort) right in front of his nose. I think I'd have tried to lose them. Also, by the time we get to the end, we know that the story is about someone breaking in and clubbing our hero to death - I don't think you need to add the dialogue to spell it out. I found myself wondering 'who is he shouting to?' and why didn't they get involved earlier?'. What would be great (for me) would be if the camera (looking down on the scene from directly above) was to very slowly pull up as high as possible and view the scene from a real high angle. But hey, we don't all have the luxury of cranes and jibs, eh?

Look forward to your next piece.

Ian . . .

Geoffrey Engelbrecht
April 20th, 2005, 11:45 AM
I loved it as well. Brilliant way to tell the story so that it was not obvious what was going on until near the end. I would have stoped when you saw him breaking in though as I didn't think what came after that added anything to the story, but this is really nit picking. Great job I look forward to seeing more of your films.

Daniel Patton
April 21st, 2005, 12:25 AM
I liked it as well!

Nothing to add as far as changes, it was your story and it worked for me. The fact that I didn't stop watching in the first 6 seconds is a good sign, far too many I see never make it to 7 seconds. ;)

Dumb question but... Did you shoot "all" of the scenes of walking forward and then reverse them? The only reason I ask is that some of them look as though you actualy walked backwards, not sure why it looks that way in some.

Have any others?


I had to add... I just watched it again by dragging the slider in reverse the whole way, HA! pretty cool.

Alain Aguilar
April 21st, 2005, 01:12 AM
If someone is interested here is a small version of the 7 minute short titled "The Glove". All your critisicm and ideas will be welcomed, Some of these will be forwarded to my editor Mike.

Cheers from Vegas


Matt Weber
April 22nd, 2005, 10:45 AM
Anyone...please take a few minutes to help a rookie out. Thanks.

Richard Alvarez
April 22nd, 2005, 11:49 AM

I downloaded and watched it. You have some compelling images in it. I get the overall feeling that the camp is a place that you can have a lot of fun at.

The End.

Here's my take on how it could be better. Take what you've got and cut it in half. As a visual montage it was too long, too repetitive and lacked structure. It was as if someone handed me a stack of photos from their vacation, and it was all out of order. Try and tell a 'story' in the three minutes. Make me care about what's happening. Draw me in to the sequence. As a music video montage, it was too disjointed... both internally from image to image, and musically - it didn't connect with the music. (Which, I assume you have the rights to?)

All of that might sound harsh, but it's the sort of thing that turns "What I did last summer" into a movie that people enjoy rather than endure. I assume you don't have any testimonial to go behind it? Voices saying "It's the best summer I ever had." "Not only was it fun, but the fellowship was inspiring" "My kids were entertained, and uplifted throught the experience." "It brought our family closer together" etc.etc.

Maybe I missed your point. Maybe it was suposed to be a sort of random collection of smiling faces? If so, like I said, the overall impression was a nice place to visit.

Hope this helped.

Matt Weber
April 22nd, 2005, 12:02 PM
Thanks Richard for the feedback. That all makes sense to me, and I agree that it is pretty disjointed. Thanks. Anyone else?

Lon Breedlove
April 23rd, 2005, 08:00 AM
Here's a little short we shot right when I bought my XL2. It's nothing special, just kind of an exercise for use to get to know our new friend.

If you do watch it, ignore the voice-over.. :)


Pasi Rutanen
April 24th, 2005, 02:09 PM
Finished a little shortie this weekend. Inspired by the Splinter Cell and Metal Gear Solid games i shot this 3 minute short in 2 and a half hours with my trusty Canon XM2 and edited it together with premiere 6.5. I wanted to experiment mostly with camera angles. Check it out and comment on this little piece dear dvinfo people.

Justin Lang
April 24th, 2005, 08:11 PM
Hey all, We just got done with this little short that we filmed right after we finally got our XL2. Its a nice little test shot movie please check it out and tell me what you think!

Patrick King
April 24th, 2005, 08:45 PM
You got a bum camera man, nothing plays.

Bryan Mitchell
April 25th, 2005, 10:51 PM
if it doesn't work... and it didn't for me...


Rob Lohman
April 26th, 2005, 07:58 AM
Nice job indeed! I think I would also have ended with him entering the house,
it feels a tad like you are trying to explain it too much. However, if you do
cut there it might not be picked up by everyone. I got it at that point, also
the reverse was obvious (for me) from the moment he stood up after being
hit by the baseball bat.

Rob Lohman
April 26th, 2005, 08:24 AM
It was okay, but I felt it you showed too much, which in turn dulled my
interest a bit. The dressing for example might not be needed?

Didn't I see this somewhere else here on the board as well?

Rob Lohman
April 26th, 2005, 08:30 AM
I thought it was okay, especially the beginning. The "hiding" and fighting part
felt a bit too slow though, could use a bit more speed and cutting in my opinion.

Rob Lohman
April 26th, 2005, 08:42 AM
It was a nice little movie. It was way too small though (resolution wise).
I'd imagine your actors weren't too pleased with that frozen river?

Pasi Rutanen
April 26th, 2005, 08:48 AM
Thanks for watching it. Strange, from other replies i've got they said the exact opposite. That the beginning was too long and the espionage and fight scene was too short. I guess i can't please everybody. But this was just an experimental little short with no script. Im gonna start working on a 10min short with a script in a few weeks, im gonna post how that turns out. Anyway, thanks for the reply.

George Ellis
April 26th, 2005, 09:45 AM
For entertainment purposes only... ;)

The color guard instructor wanted a 1 minute teaser ad to recruit for next year's guard. Used No Survivors from FreePlayMusic as the background.

Vid with VX2100(except last, which was a Sony 520 D8 cam). Liquid Edition 6.1 edited.

Curtis Gwinn
April 26th, 2005, 11:41 AM
Hey guys...

The latest installment of our no-budget sci-fi comedy epic, "Gemberling" is up for viewing on our website,

We filmed on XL2, edited on Premiere pro and did the effects in After Effects. We're well aware of the cheap-o's (mostly) intentional!

It's in the media section, episode 4. Check it out if you get a chance!



Alain Aguilar
April 26th, 2005, 03:05 PM
I wasn't the one that came up with the idea of filming this during winter. It was the writer's; the guy who plays James (the rober). I tried to convince him to do this during spring or summer but he couldn't wait. Both of these guys are climbers and they love the thrill of danger. The editor made the small file so I could preview it over the internet. I'm still waiting on the bigger version.

I'm very prouds of the shots I was able to get in top of the river, hopefully you cought that!


Riley Stearns
April 27th, 2005, 11:03 AM
I have my first short film on called "Just Before Noon". I shot it on an optura xi and edited it on FCE. Super simple, but that's what I wanted my first short to be. Any reviews would be great (I already have one on there that is blunt and harsh so be honest)!

Kevin Munn
April 27th, 2005, 02:11 PM
Not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, feel free to move it if necessary.

All next week (Monday May 2-Friday May 6) there will be a film festival held at Western CT State Universtiy in Danbury, CT, featuring screenings, presentations, and lectures. Admittance for the general public is just $5 for the day.

Highlights include special guest Robert Drew, pioneer of cinema verite, who will be screening his latest film, "From Two Men and a War," which is premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival. Selected works from him will screen all day Wednesday May 4, with his "From Two Men and a War" playing at 6:00pm followed by a Q & A session.

Full schedule is as follows:

Monday May 2nd: Adam Abraham, Slamdance Winner
7:00pm ‘The Business of Independent Filmmaking’

Tuesday May 3rd: Scott Lehane & Carina Bandhauer
6:00pm Screening of "El Pueblo Unido"

Wednesday May 4th: Robert Drew, Pioneer of Cinéma Vérité
10:00am Continuous screenings of his award-winning works
6:00pm Screening of From Two Men and a War

Friday May 6th: ‘The Current & Future Place of Independent Film & Video’
5:30pm Industry Panel Discussion featuring award-winning
producers, directors, writers, and editors.

see for more info

Daniel Patton
April 27th, 2005, 03:31 PM
Lon, congrats on the new camera!

Overall it was clear of the effort involved, good job!

It's not necessary to have created a short to know what is entertaining on the viewers end, it only educates one as to the amount of work involved. You put some time into it, that was obvious. Cleaner audio and a fresh storyline is all I saw, your camera work and editing looked fine.

Dylan Couper
April 27th, 2005, 08:11 PM
I sort of agree with Rob. There wasn't enough story/action in the first part. The fight was OK, but too short a payoff for watching the beginning.

Oh yeah..
The fight sound effects... Don't steal sound effects from video games!! :)
They are really bad, and drew me right out of the movie (unless you are going for comedy). Cut them out, make your own, they'll be much more natural.

Dylan Couper
April 29th, 2005, 11:18 PM
And *poof*.... we are back on topic.

A note to people who post criticism, please post within the context of the media. Saying something is crap is not criticism, it is being an a-hole.

Rob Lohman
April 30th, 2005, 03:18 AM
I can't really recall those shots (but then again, I do see a lot [of movies]).
Let us know (in this thread please) when a larger version is up and I'll take
a second look!

Rob Lohman
April 30th, 2005, 03:51 AM
Would you happen to have a direct link? Time is limited for most people and
I doubt you will get much if any viewings this way. If that is not possible
you may want to consider putting it up somewhere where you can link directly
to the movie (or the page it is on).

Ian Slessor
April 30th, 2005, 08:15 AM
Hey Riley,

I watched your short. I liked it. Interesting camera angles and the split-screen worked too.

It was nice and short and mundane. Until the end. hehe.

Keep it up. I look forward to seeing what else you can do and it was nice to see what that little Xi is capable of.



Steven Gotz
April 30th, 2005, 10:13 AM
There were some nice touches. Overall pretty good.

There were some focus problems, and some of the effects where a little too abrupt. Like the tossing of the cigarette. The time remapping could have been smoother.

Ronald Lee
May 1st, 2005, 11:04 PM
I liked this video. I REALLY would love to see what it would look like with a film filter effect on it. Are you able to do that?

Steve Law
May 2nd, 2005, 01:12 AM
awsome video. all it needs is a film look, and your good. i really like it. reminds me of Shadows Fall - What Drives the Weak video. same concept.

Sergi Bosch
May 3rd, 2005, 03:40 PM

i like your video. the colors are very clean and crisp. though i do think it's too dark at times.

the early shots of him in the house, looking at the picture frame: it's not clear what he's doing. moments later, we see the picture frame on the bed.

i would communicate right away that it's a picture frame and that he's in his girls' home.

otherwise it kind of feels like when your watching a play and you can't hear the line that the actor said because they weren't loud enough. you feel slighted.

just my thoughts...

Nicholas Foster
May 4th, 2005, 08:04 PM
I would like to start posting some of my work. Does anyone know where I can upload videos for free?


Glenn Chan
May 4th, 2005, 08:08 PM is pretty good, but watch out for copyright. for times where you may want to email something.

Nick Robinson
May 8th, 2005, 09:56 AM
I wanted to post this before i got on the road to go home... This is is a pre release of my 20 miunte short film, as there are a few things i want to change after watching it on a big screen. But anyway, here it is. Comments more than welcome.

20ish meg WMV file. A divx version will come later when i have time to do it

Doug Fearman
May 9th, 2005, 02:05 PM
Very nice job!

Nick Robinson
May 9th, 2005, 06:42 PM
thoughts/opinions? Did anyone watch it?

Tom Faber
May 9th, 2005, 06:52 PM
Hey all,
Somewhere in here, once upon a time , someone posted info on cheap websites where a person could load movies so people can see them....anyone know where? I have a short which is 18 minutes and too big for my own website because I only have 20Mb of space there...?

Daniel Patton
May 9th, 2005, 07:29 PM
I believe Glenn Chan listed these three in another simular thread...
" is pretty good, but watch out for copyright. for times where you may want to email something."

As for me... I don't know of any locations for this, but if you can send your short to me at and I might host it for you in our DV stream section on our server. So long as the material is something allowed.

If everything goes okay I will send you back a direct link that you can send to people or post it on the forums. Our servers stream very well, I can send you some examples if you like.

It's just an offer, no obligation.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
May 9th, 2005, 11:44 PM will give you 500 Mb per annum for about $99, while 150 Mb is only £59.
You can also store still pix as well.
They are very good and I often use it to upload material for people to view.


Glenn Chan
May 10th, 2005, 12:25 AM
There are a bunch of web hosting companies that oversell their web hosting and will give you a lot of bandwidth at a low price (it costs the company 15cents/GB-$1/GB for bandwidth; if you calculate it out, a lot of the web hosting companies would lose money if you used up their plan). Anyways, if you want your own website to host your videos, then look for bandwidth without strings.
A- Read the terms of service. Certain types of content may be disallowed (warez, adult material, etc.).
B- The TOS also lays out the grounds the host can kick you off. One host has a vague clause which lets them terminate your account if you use 10% of server resources.
C- Look carefully at what happens when you exceed your bandwidth. The best is if they shut down your website. Others will charge overage fees, i.e $6/GB.
D- Payment: You may need to prepay for a certain amount of time to get a certain rate.

Also register your domain name seperately from your web hosting company so they can't hold your domain name/website hostage. I suggest Some web hosts give you a domain for free. If you wait 60 days, you can transfer it to Check who owns the domain though- sometimes it ain't you.

2- has a promotion where you prepay for a year and it costs you $10. "120GB"/month ($1/GB overage, bandwidth throttling), $1/GB overage, you can manually set the website to shutdown/throlle at a certain GB threshold.
I think it's still running. Search for "dreamhost 777"
Be sure to have your domain registration with a *seperate* company (well before your web hosting expires), and turn auto-renewal off, and bandwidth throttling on.

3- has excellent forums regarding everything web hosting-related. Search before you post.

4- To set your expectations a little more realistic, (a good budget host) gives 5GB/month for $5/month, and they shut your site down when you run out of bandwidth (instead of charging overuse fees).

Ivan Hurtado
May 10th, 2005, 10:25 PM
I´m sorry but i tried to see it and even got the VLC, but nothing, just audio and black image... I´ve been following Lucid since i first read about it from you.

If it´s possible ty to get it in quicktime, that would work, i hope so!

Nick Robinson
May 10th, 2005, 10:28 PM
I´m sorry but i tried to see it and even got the VLC, but nothing, just audio and black image... I´ve been following Lucid since i first read about it from you.

If it´s possible ty to get it in quicktime, that would work, i hope so!

Sorry it didnt work for you. I am fixing a few audio issues and then finalizing it for the DVD and at that point i will make a quick time version of it.