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Ash Greyson
November 26th, 2005, 12:56 AM
If you are going to have a slow moving trailer with no talking, voice over, etc. you better have some big dynamic cinematic shots packed with emotion. Dont think you got there. Showing people's lips moving without hearing what they are saying is almost always a mistake, in film school they called it "lip flap."

If I am being brutal, there was not much that worked with this trailer. If you are going to go with a score like that, the visuals much match oe else your production value sticks out like a sore thumb. Try going with another piece of music and splicing in some good performances of the actors, the words alone are not enough, maybe try some slow motion.

A trailer does not always have to clearly identify the story but it ALWAYS has to make you want to watch the movie. For indie film makers it is a real struggle because you dont have access to big name actors, a huge crew, etc. but you still have to find something compelling and the trailer as it stands now doesnt have anything that would compel people to want to see the film...

ash =o)

Mathieu Ghekiere
November 26th, 2005, 06:53 AM
I thought the trailer wasn't that bad.
I didn't mind not hearing what they said, I rather had the feeling of: now I know they will argue, and if I see the movie I'll know what about.

Andy Peterson
November 26th, 2005, 03:24 PM
Hey Ash,

Thanks for the post.
We are a bunch of TV Broadcasting students with no proper 'film' training. This was a fun project to work on.

This isn't a simple relationship movie. There is a HUGE twist that we tried to hint at in the trailer to intice people to watch. Did that not come through?

I have passed your recomendations along to the editor.



Paul R Johnson
November 26th, 2005, 03:43 PM
Most contemporary trailers feature the best bits of the product. Most are fast and pacey - the slower, gentler style works if there are things to look at apart from the obvious. As an example the girl on the phone, upset. Why not take a much smaller chunk and slo-mo it showing the facial expression of sadness. One question - why black and white? It has the 'look' of tv, not film, in shooting and framing - so the b&w is an oddity. The other thing in a short trailer like this is that far too much time is spent on black & titles - waste of time, in my view.

The test I always use is "do I want to watch this?" and I'm sorry to say the answer, for me, would be no.

Leigh Wanstead
November 26th, 2005, 08:53 PM

Can be played by software dvd player i.e. powerdvd, Microsoft Media player etc.

File size around 80mb.


Graham Clark
November 26th, 2005, 09:26 PM
I tried to veiw your video, but just got the Q?. What codec did you use?

Leigh Wanstead
November 26th, 2005, 09:49 PM
I tried to veiw your video, but just got the Q?. What codec did you use?

It is mainconcept mpeg2 decoder.


Ash Greyson
November 27th, 2005, 02:09 AM
No real implication of a twist... try a drastic music change with a reaction shot or some sound design (forboding sounds with a stark dark finish).

ash =o)

Justine Haupt
November 27th, 2005, 12:53 PM
I can't view any of the files in quicktime or winamp.

Jeffery Patch
November 27th, 2005, 05:24 PM
Hi there friendly dvinfo members. I recently shot a test/pilot episode for a technology themed internet show I am working on. Unfortunately I had to host by myself, but next time a good friend of mine is going to co-host and I hope that it gives it a much more casual feel.

Take a look. It's kind of a rough cut. I'm planning on sweetening the audio up tonight. There is a some nose from the laptop's fan in one of the segments but I think I can get rid of it with Soundtrack Pro. We'll see!

It's in mpeg4 and you can download it here:

Mike Sun
November 27th, 2005, 08:51 PM
This is my first time filming a bike stunt show, for one of my friends, on my own with no time for second retakes.

Please provide me with some feedback on what you think as I'd like to improve on my future videos. I know I blew out some of the scenes and the color is a bit too saturated, I think. Excuse the profanity from the music used; I had a tough time choosing a song first of all.

My only complaint is when I encoded it to *.wmv the video looks significantly darker than the uncompressed avi file. My settings was 2-pass VBR; Avg Bitrate was 1900 and Max bitrate was 3000. How do you guys get such a good quality when you encode it to *.wmv? What are your settings?

I used a Panasonic DVC30 shot in the Cinema Gamma scene setting.

Any comments will be appreciated, thanks.

Ash Greyson
November 27th, 2005, 09:29 PM
The look is totally fine. The editing and music need to be more dynamic, all dissolves just gets a little boring. Generally a dissolve is to show time lapse or for emotional impact. You have lots of great wide shots, try mixing in some tight shots as well, mainly to help with editing as you will want to be wide to show the tricks. Not bad for a first effort....

ash =o)

Jeffery Patch
November 28th, 2005, 02:42 PM
The look is totally fine. The editing and music need to be more dynamic, all dissolves just gets a little boring. Generally a dissolve is to show time lapse or for emotional impact. You have lots of great wide shots, try mixing in some tight shots as well, mainly to help with editing as you will want to be wide to show the tricks. Not bad for a first effort....

ash =o)

I gave it a look. Pretty cool. I don't mind the dissolves so much, but maybe a few quicker cuts could liven it up a bit.

Justine Haupt
November 28th, 2005, 06:01 PM
I just got them to work on my other pc... nice work! -- for a single person, the animation is certainly nothing to laugh at.

Jack Zhang
November 28th, 2005, 08:03 PM
Very nice, I'm currently trying to find a course where they teach Maya animation right now, and since I'm still in Grade 10, I need to find somewhere to train me for that kind of stuff after school. (and it must be in vancouver) I need suggestions. Art Institute of Vancouver? BCIT?

Sheridan Cleland
November 29th, 2005, 10:25 AM
Got my xl2 about 4 months ago. This video was only the 3rd thing I filmed with it so I'm still getting accustomed to the camera and all of the magical things it can do.

Check this out and give me your thoughts.



Mathieu Ghekiere
November 29th, 2005, 12:16 PM
Sheridan, I have not viewed your work (downloading now) but the best board to post this is our DV for the MAsses board, that's where everyone posts his work:

Good luck!

Pete Bauer
November 29th, 2005, 12:22 PM
Yup, moved to DV for the Masses where you'll get more viewers.

Wayne Kinney
November 29th, 2005, 02:25 PM
Thanks for your comments guys.

This was 2 years ago. Dont really do the animation much anymore.

Im from the UK so couldn't suggest a good institute, sorry

Eric Brown
November 30th, 2005, 01:43 AM
Hey, everyone. Here's a link to some grabs from a sci-fi I'm currently shooting. These are pulls from raw video with no cc. Any and all comments are welcome. Apologies, though for the low rez of the pics. Just cruddy grabs.

Matt Brabender
November 30th, 2005, 01:58 AM
nice colouring and lighting :)

Richard Alvarez
November 30th, 2005, 08:10 AM
Great use of the glue gun!

Dylan Couper
November 30th, 2005, 11:08 AM
Looks good man!
Is that big ass gun looking thing made out of PVC fittings? If so, excellent work.
Do we get to see a trailer? :)

Dylan Couper
November 30th, 2005, 11:09 AM
Great use of the glue gun!

Doh! I didn't even recognize it! I was looking at it wondering how much that sucker cost to buy. :)

Eric Brown
November 30th, 2005, 05:34 PM
Yep, PVC fittings and pretty much anything else I could get my hands on. In the scene it flashes by fairly quickly so the uneducated won't catch what's going on. There's also a 1988 RCA VHS camcorder that gave it's life to be part of the rail gun.
And yeah, at first I didn't know what Richard was talking about. Glue gun? But you must be talking about the injection gun at the guy's neck. That's pretty funny because I hadn't noticed how much it looked like one.
Actually it started life as some kind of a metal casing used for a real laser device. I added the whole front end piece and the metal cylinder on the bottom.
I'll try and post some footage as soon as possible.
Thanks for the comments!

Giuseppe Palumbo
November 30th, 2005, 11:20 PM
Just finished my first hip-hop video for a client. Tell me what you think.

Bill Porter
December 1st, 2005, 05:45 AM
If the other video you posted, of your friends' band, was your first video, then this is your second... ?

It's much nicer than your other one, which wasn't bad, especially considering you had a zero budget. At age 18 with clearly a low budget on this one too, I have to say it's out-frickin-standing. I am sure whatever you do next will be even better.

Keep it up! We want to see VMA's by the time you are 23! :-)

Giuseppe Palumbo
December 1st, 2005, 03:26 PM
thanks alot man! yep, this is my second music video. glad u remembered. haha. But yea, basically no budget but everything turned out pretty good. i should be getting my adapter and DVX in a month or so. so more stuff surely will be coming. im already working on the next video which is actually for R. Kelly's old keyboard player. so alot of people will be seeing this one for sure. Whats everyone else think and is there anything im doing that i should steer away from that you notice?

Jim Montgomery
December 2nd, 2005, 06:38 PM
I have not yet activated this as yet, would like your alls honest opinions. From this page, with the available information and trailer would you buy this video?

Thanks for the input

Jim Montgomery

Mike Teutsch
December 2nd, 2005, 06:52 PM
I have not yet activated this as yet, would like your alls honest opinions. From this page, with the available information and trailer would you buy this video?

Thanks for the input

Jim Montgomery


Your footage is always spectacular, and I am always impressed with it and your mastery of AE and or other programs. I don’t know your audience though, DVD sales or for the Outdoor channel or what? With this trailer, I would include a kill shot and make it slightly longer.

Best of luck!


Jim Montgomery
December 2nd, 2005, 07:58 PM

If you want the "money" shot you have to buy the dvd! Actually the hog is a kill.

They would only allow a 1 minute trailer......

Thanks for the kind words and continued support, maybe we can do a fishing video, hmmm.....


George Vick
December 2nd, 2005, 08:03 PM
This is a commercial spoof that I did a few days ago for my video production class. Give me some feedback. May not be worksafe! (has a few choice words)


Mike Teutsch
December 2nd, 2005, 08:13 PM

If you want the "money" shot you have to buy the dvd! Actually the hog is a kill.

They would only allow a 1 minute trailer......

Thanks for the kind words and continued support, maybe we can do a fishing video, hmmm.....



I actually pulled it up and watched it again, as it did not seem that long! But, you are right, one minute! Like I said, I really enjoy the stuff.

A fishing video?! Need a second camera? Always a pleasure! Speaking of fishing, did Dave send you the "Rod Holder Wanted Email? If he did, did he send you my response? If not let me know and I'll send it to you. If you liked the first part, you will love my response!

Have a great night bud.


George Vick
December 2nd, 2005, 10:21 PM
Here's a lower quality version for the slower folks

Matthew Lombardo
December 3rd, 2005, 12:59 PM
Video was passed onto me. Thought some people might enjoy it?

Meryem Ersoz
December 3rd, 2005, 07:04 PM
okay, so this is kind of goofy, but i just learned that this ultra short video won the top award in a film festival sponsored by Boulder's cable access channel. so it isn't exactly sundance, but hey! someone's watching it!

i shot this last summer for laughs when i was goofing around with my GL2 in the park.


QT 7 H.264 format strikes again! (at least, i think it is. it was awhile ago...)

George Ellis
December 3rd, 2005, 10:32 PM
You have my permission to go out and get one of these then...

Winner of a Major Award (


Cool for you! (downloading it now to watch)

Riley Harmon
December 4th, 2005, 03:21 AM
that absolutely, positivly, KICKS, MAJOR, A$$

Greg Boston
December 4th, 2005, 08:01 AM
This is what happens when you don't keep professional lighting tecnnicians gainfully employed. :-)

Great sequence!


Meryem Ersoz
December 4th, 2005, 10:59 AM
thanks for watching, george. the leg lamp major award is just about the right certificate, for what this video is....

as i mentioned, it's sort of a goofy thing, but whenever anyone says, hey, i liked your video, it always feels nice!

Pete Bauer
December 4th, 2005, 12:54 PM
Finally am getting around to updating my personal web site and realized I'd never posted the "long cut" of my DVC#3 entry, as I said I would. It ain't perfect -- not even close -- but I'm happy enough given that it was a first-effort, mad-scramble-cuz-I-had-to-work-on-the-weekend panic production. Anyway, the long cut is between 5 and 6 minutes long including credits and a lot better to view since I encoded it at a higher bitrate.

Here's the link, hope y'all enjoy it:

If you don't enjoy it, try this instead:

Pete's Home Page (


George Ellis
December 5th, 2005, 06:27 AM
I did feel like putting the beat down on the guys with the dog. What were they thinking? That hydralic was going to put that dog underwater. I knew the moment they threw the stick. Idiots.

Still was fun.

Meryem Ersoz
December 5th, 2005, 09:18 AM
that dog was a wonder dog. i get your point and felt the same way initially, the first time his owner tossed the stick, but he probably jumped in the hole a dozen times and seemed to be one of those dogs with a ton of energy who enjoys a big physical challenge. i'm sure he ate well and slept soundly that night.

the day after i shot the footage for this, the city of boulder shut down the creek to inner tubing for a few weeks, which they had never done before.

Eniola Akintoye
December 5th, 2005, 08:21 PM

1, I think you should have asked them to provide you some"HOT" chicks (10 minimum). HipHop can not do with out hot chicks in their music videos.
2, More cars with Rims. Try to request some more nice cars with rims. Escalades,
3, The convertable car they used has nice rims but you did not shoot it. It would have been nice to do a shot from the rim to the driver or something similar (in slow mo though)
4, More bling blings are needed on the artist's neck. You could also do a closeup shot on that bling as well.
5, More shots from different locations, etc club scence like the Three 6 Mafia music video, fly. A house, downtown streets, a hood restaurant, a popular joint in cleveland, etc.
6, and watch BET a lot before you shoot any Hip Hop video. At least spend a whole week watching every music video they show and pay attention to every detail shots, what the shots means, if it is nice, unique, etc and try to create your own shots from what you have acquired.

Rating: 7 out of 10
You being 18yrs: 9 out of 10

Giuseppe, the video was sweet, hot, and spicey. My girlfriend was proud of your work men!. You even helped me let her see why I have been focusing more on this video thingy.

R. Kelly's old keyboard player??????.. huh?????

Advice: Try to network yourself as much as possible into those broadcasting stations (MTV and BET) through this video you are about to shoot and let us know how we too can get our music videos up on those stations.

Bill Porter
December 5th, 2005, 09:17 PM
Maybe the keyboard player left because he got pissed.

Get it?? Oh I kill myself!

Paul Picklesimer
December 5th, 2005, 11:43 PM
How about some honest advise about the logo? The text in the middle is hard to read. Maybe some white outer glow would help it stand out. As for the clip... well done, even though I hate to see those animals getting shot with arrows.


Giuseppe Palumbo
December 6th, 2005, 12:12 AM
I have another post on the board related to the price of the video and why it is how it is.

At this point, im not doing videos for myself anymore, and actually getting paid by clients. so all the money comes out of there pockets. Sure thing the girls/bling and cars was considered but you cant get all that for free which is why it wasnt in the video. The car shot was all 1 take. We didnt even know that guy actually. We just asked if we could do a take of the song and he stated "anything for the city of Cleveland". So basically it's up to the client on what will be in the video.

I just completed a commercial for him (Lafayette Carthon) and we'll see where its aired. The music video should be completed in no longer then a month im guessing.

Scott Beck
December 6th, 2005, 01:52 AM
First of all -- thank you to everyone who voted for our films in MTV's Best Film on Campus competition. I have some great news -- Bryan & I won for our "University Heights" trailer!! MTVu played a great prank on me, and you'll be able to check that out next week at For now, check out the press release below.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped us out thus far. Bryan & I are incredibly grateful for the support.

UI juniors’ win development deal with MTV Films; film judged by Hollywood directors and MTV staff

December 6, 2005

Iowa-based filmmakers and University of Iowa juniors Scott Beck & Bryan Woods, both 21, have won MTVu’s Best Film on Campus: Trailer Challenge competition.

Beck & Woods had two films in the top five; their trailer for “University Heights” was chosen for the grand prize by Hollywood directors John Singleton (Boyz n the Hood), Catherine Hardwicke (Thirteen) and Nicole Kassell (The Woodsman), MTV staff and online voters.

Beck & Woods win a development deal with MTV Films and a home theatre system.

On December 1, MTVu producers called Beck, notifying him that while the “University Heights” trailer lost, the “Her Summer” trailer had won the grand prize. Then, with help from Beck, MTVu arranged to surprise Woods with the news – by flying out to Iowa City and filming the whole event.

However, when Beck visited Woods’ apartment to surprise him, he was greeted by MTVu staff, several news cameras, friends, and cast and crew from “University Heights.” It turned out that MTVu set up the prank with Woods, and that their trailer for “University Heights” actually won.

“It was incredible,” Beck said. “Here I thought we were surprising Bryan, and instead I’m the one who gets surprised! I just couldn’t believe what was happening.”

Beck & Woods now will have the opportunity to develop a project with MTV Films.

“I can’t stress how grateful we are for this opportunity,” Woods stated. “It’s one of those things that seem so out of reach, but now we’re one step closer.”

Along with the three directors and MTV staff, online voters played a large part in choosing the winner.

“We’ve had so much support throughout this contest. It’s been really amazing,” Beck said. “Bryan and I want to thank everybody for helping us out, and for making our dream a little more of a reality.”

MTVu will be airing segments of the surprise online at beginning next week.

Larry Rutledge
December 8th, 2005, 10:41 AM
I posted this, a couple weeks ago, in the section specific to the camera used for the project (Panasonic PV-GS65). I just discovered this section of the forum and realized it was a better place to post my work. So I'm trying again, for those of you who didn't get a chance to see this.

I am fairly new to filmmaking, only been involved with it for 3 years now (the first two of which were focused mainly on screenwriting) - all of which has consisted of reading and learning. I just completed my first film, it is a 3-minute narrative with no dialog. As I mentioned, it was shot on a consumer 3-CCD Panasonic PV-GS65 and it was edited with Sony Vegas Video 5.

You can view the film here:

Thanks for taking the time to view this, I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts/comments/criticisms so I can grow as a filmmaker.


Jay Kavi
December 8th, 2005, 02:43 PM
Wow, very impressive for your first short. some comments:

I'm assuming having no dialog help, but good work with the little girl. I'm im always amazed by people who get subtle work out of kids.

during during the long shot of the girl standing in the field, your bottom widscreen bar jumps around. The shot near the end where the kids dissolve into frame needs more time, and i wasnt a fan of the color correction. I'm assuming you put it through some filmlook process to adjust the curve, it looked a little to contrasty to me (the shaded areas of the film lack detail)

Great camera work. i liked the angles and the dolly shot. looks like you used a lot of natural light, im definitely a fan of that asthetic. though in the future pick up a reflector or two for bouncing around that sunlight.

Overall, I really liked it. much more inpressive than my first short :)