View Full Version : UK XL1 owners club
Nick Glenister July 31st, 2002, 04:11 AM I've read some of the previous posts about the lack of a UK xl1 owners club but was wondering if there has been any update as to a UK club being created?
If not is there an ongoing petition I could sign to voice my support?
Jon Eriksson August 1st, 2002, 09:59 AM Well, I'd be up for it - but only two would not make a very impressive 'club'...;)
Chris Hurd August 2nd, 2002, 12:29 PM Well, if I can find an authorized Canon dealer in the UK to help sponsor our forums, then you're on the way. Still no answer from Optex. Great tagline, Jon.
Nick Glenister August 5th, 2002, 02:01 AM That would be excellent
Justin Morgan August 5th, 2002, 06:02 AM You can count me in too - that's three of us!
Al Osmond August 6th, 2002, 07:17 AM Make that four. Should we think about hiring the Millennium Dome for the Inaugural General Meeting?
Chris Hurd August 6th, 2002, 07:58 AM I was hoping for the Royal Albert Hall. I'd swim across the pond for that.
Parkingtigers August 6th, 2002, 11:06 AM Well in a week or so, my XL1-s arrives, so don't hold the first meeting until then. Any decent pub should do fine I reckon.
BTW, as a first post I'd like to thank you Chris for your website. Lots of information and you helped me choose the camera that I hope will make me rich and famous. Well, actually I'll settle for not working nights anymore.
Nick Glenister August 7th, 2002, 05:53 AM Cheers for the interest guys, i think its pretty bad that canon don't give the rest of the world an XL1 club they can join. I'm sure they'd make enough money to warrant it.
Ed Smith August 9th, 2002, 12:29 PM Count me in for a Canon XL1/s owners club...
Surely Canon should provide such facility for the whole world.
All the best,
Ed Smith
Jon Eriksson August 13th, 2002, 07:35 AM Wow! That makes us six!
Who's buying the first round?
Al Osmond August 13th, 2002, 01:06 PM Ummm, I've got nothing smaller than a fifty pound note...
Nick Glenister August 14th, 2002, 01:53 AM That should cover it..... =o)
Stanley Mcguffin August 18th, 2002, 06:55 PM Add me that makes seven of us
now we can defend that mexican village
can i be james coburn......
Ross Milligan August 19th, 2002, 07:19 AM Oh no! There goes the neighbourhood, here comes the token Scot....
Regards to all
Parkingtigers August 28th, 2002, 06:01 PM You see what happens when someone mentions drinks?
Chris Powell August 29th, 2002, 03:26 PM There are a few of us in Wales too..
Simon Plissi September 2nd, 2002, 04:37 PM Count me in.
That makes four. No, six or was it five. Oh sod it. Just count me in.
Brian Robertson September 12th, 2002, 03:39 PM me too!
- is there any one else in the Lake District with an XL1?
Ed Smith September 13th, 2002, 09:26 AM Maybe Chris its time to start a British Neighbourhood, with in the 'Whos in your neighbourhood' forum.
Nice to see people from all over the British Isles.
All the best,
Ed Smith
Chris Hurd September 13th, 2002, 11:03 AM Yes Ed, that may be a good idea, as we seem to have entire contingents of Canadians, Brits and Aussies forming up around here. Hmm, I wonder if we should lump everybody from the Isles into one Neighborhood forum specific to the UK, and another for all the ANZAC's...
Ed Smith September 15th, 2002, 09:52 AM Sounds about right. Maybe not even a UK specific forum but a Europe forum.
The decission is yours!!!
All the best Ed Smith