View Full Version : Another clip I did in Vegas....

Glen Elliott
July 22nd, 2004, 07:22 PM
Well I'm finishing up the project for my work and just completed the highlight vignette. If anyone hasn't seen my other post ( This was the opening vignette I began the program with. People felt it was a bit to somber for a "celebration". Well it's really an awards ceremony- but, regardless, with the highlight vignette I decided to shift gears and do something completly different.

This clip is in stark contrast to the other clip. It was very experimental for me as I've never really tried editing this way. I feel stuck in a rutt with all the slow-motion dramatic footage I do with my wedding videography. I wanted to also show range in my editing- as there might possible clients that will view this video at my work- we have over 1,000 employees. Another thing I was trying to do was make the day look exciting and fun...which, frankly, it wasn't- it was a bit flat. I guess as exciting as any awards ceremony at your work can be. I tried my best to try and convey excitement and fun. Another DVinfo member was my assistant on this shoot and can attest to the fact it was indeed a rather stale event. lol Anyway I tried my best to make something of it....

Here it is- comments welcome:

Patrick King
July 22nd, 2004, 08:02 PM
You are just talented artistically. Very nice, though I'm not a fan of that music genre, I still was delighted by the way it 'fit'.
Per the genre of the music, "you da man".

Glen Elliott
July 22nd, 2004, 08:20 PM
Well like I said this isn't really my normal style/genre...I had to consider the audience. Regardless it was fun to try something upbeat for a change. Thanks for the words.

Gustavo Nardelli
July 22nd, 2004, 09:35 PM
Congratulations! Keep up the good work, my friend!

Patrick King
July 23rd, 2004, 06:31 AM

Did you mention that someone had sent you a Veggie for the balloon effect in the first film? I notice you used it again with good effect in the one you posted here.

Any chance of sharing that Veggie so I can study it? I think I know how you did it:
1. Place a video track above the primary video track
2. Use Media Generator to put a rectangular mask on top track
3. Change the track to ?Alpha?
4. Establish a Motion Track on the rectangular mask

Don't know how you did the B&W invert on the unmask area though. I'm sure if I reread Ed Troxel's tremendous newsletters I will find it though. I've sure learned alot about Vegas from Ed and Gary Kleiner.

Glen Elliott
July 23rd, 2004, 07:44 AM
Did you mention that someone had sent you a Veggie for the balloon effect in the first film? I notice you used it again with good effect in the one you posted here.

Patrick, what shot were you referring to? I didn't use that effect in this particular peice.

The effect you are referring to from the other peice (balloons) I created myself with a few simple steps.

Any chance of sharing that Veggie so I can study it? I think I know how you did it:
1. Place a video track above the primary video track
2. Use Media Generator to put a rectangular mask on top track
3. Change the track to ?Alpha?
4. Establish a Motion Track on the rectangular mask

There are many ways to accomplish the same thing in Vegas- this is how I accomplished the Ballon shot:

1. Made a duplicate of the balloon clip (via ctrl+drag) to the track directly above it. Double clicking the original copy to create a selection to snap the duplicate exactly into place

2. Added a color corrector to the top copy- reduced the saturation down to 0. (there are many ways to get black and white with more customability- but this is the one I use most often...I'm lazy I suppose, lol)

3. Add a cookie cutter to the top, desaturated, track. Rectangle, with "cut away selection chosen". I then animated the movement of this rectangular mask using two at the beginning and one at the end. To add movement you have to tweak the "placement" attribute.

*4 Additional step- not needed to achieve effect. I went back and added a "Glow" filter to both the tracks with the same attributes to add a little flare to the highlights.

Don't know how you did the B&W invert on the unmask area though. I'm sure if I reread Ed Troxel's tremendous newsletters I will find it though. I've sure learned alot about Vegas from Ed and Gary Kleiner.

I'm not sure what, exactly, your referring to in regards to "the B&W invert on the unmasked areas" but you can achieve the "Pleasantville" effect (with everything in greyscale accept a single item or color) using the Secondary Color Corrector. You make a selection, preferably of a strong color, then choose "invert mask" then move the saturation slider all the way to the left (0). You'll get a greyscaled background with a full color flower, or whatever other item you may choose.

Yes Edward and Gary are excellent teachers and have been instrumental in my migration from Premiere to Vegas. Best decision I ever made.

Kim Kinser
July 24th, 2004, 03:35 PM

The HA's and YA's and the sped up and slowed down little girl were really something.

Is the music buyout? My kids seemed to know it. Beware the copyright monster.

Great job as usual.

Sunny Dhinsey
July 29th, 2004, 01:31 PM
For additional uses of the 'colour/b&w cut through effect', check out the opening titles to a popular Bollywood film entitled 'Kal Ho Naa Ho'. The opening credits use this effect brilliantly and not only is there a distortion in colour, but also in image size and position.

I'm not sure if I've explained myself well, but watch the opening of the film and you'll get what I'm on about.

It's called, 'Kal Ho Naa Ho' and the opening sequence with the 'running girl' is the one to watch for.


Rob Lohman
August 3rd, 2004, 06:48 AM
The different footage and editing was nice, I didn't think the music
fitted though, but that might be personal.

Glen Elliott
August 3rd, 2004, 07:40 AM
Didn't fit the editing or didn't fit the footage?

Rob Lohman
August 3rd, 2004, 08:23 AM
Music didn't fit the footage in my opinion. Editing was great!

Glen Elliott
August 3rd, 2004, 10:27 AM
In all honesty I couldn't agree with you more. It doesn't. I tried to make the mundane footage look happy and exciting...lok, when it really wasn't. I figured with the right music bed and carefully choosing all the smiles and waves, etc I could breath some life into this. Thanks for the constructive critisism I value it.

Chris Thomas
August 4th, 2004, 10:45 PM
I thought both were great. Do you happen to have any samples of the weddings you have done. I like the techniques, and would just be curious to see how you handle other settings.

Glen Elliott
August 5th, 2004, 06:53 AM
I'm currently editing one right now- once I finish a section like the bridal prep or highlight vignette I'll post it. Thanks.

Peter Jefferson
August 8th, 2004, 04:29 AM
its a brilliant cut piece and i can imagine how many hours just those 2 minutes worth of footage took to cut.

One thing though, with the amount of time taken to piece this together, the labour hours involved.. well, all i can say is that you wouldnt want to do a cut like this for every project.. (well every party/corporate project anyway)

On top of time requirements, you dont want to overservice one client and forget about the others.

Again its a good piece, but keep an eye on teh work hours if your doing this for business...

Glen Elliott
August 8th, 2004, 08:20 AM
Thank you and yes it did take a few evenings. I'm sure many could look at it and think it was created in one sitting. Not only does the timing of the cuts take time but artistic decisions and changes really add to the tally too. I'm famous for practically finishing a peice then going back and rewroking it. Quite annoying by I can't help myself. Thanks again.

Bob Safay
August 11th, 2004, 02:51 PM
Glen, beautiful! I could not open the second link. I am considering getting the vegas, and am going to download the free demo this weekend. I* have been doing linier editing for years and last year got a new computer with Movie Maker 2 included. Lots of fun, but I think I need something better. Question, what was the book by Ed and Gary you refered to? Is vegas user friendly? Bob Safay

Glen Elliott
August 11th, 2004, 03:08 PM
Thank you.
The only book that I have is by Douglas Spotted Eagle. Gary and Spot both have training DVDs available. Highly recommended.

Btw, you couldn't reach the 2nd link because I had to take it down to make room for this: