View Full Version : Greensceen workflow/High turnover clips

Peter Manojlovic
August 18th, 2009, 10:31 AM
Good day all....

I've got a gig, in where the company requires me to do Green Screen work for them. Videos include instructional, and narrative pieces..They're between the 2 min. and 10 mark a piece..
I can foresee doing anywhere between 20 and 50 pieces of documentation. The edited and composited clips will be primarily output to laptops, and perhaps YouTube in the near future..
Since this is all new to me, i'm using my XHA1 in DV mode with 30FPS as the framerate. I'm using an RT.X2 video card. But in the meanwhile, the tapes and camera equipment travel between my customer's office, and my editing bay at home..
Logistically, this is a nightmare..

Is there any preferred workflow or equipment used for people requiring high turnover rate for short clips??

Bill Vincent
August 18th, 2009, 10:47 AM
"Is there any preferred workflow or equipment used for people requiring high turnover rate for short clips??"

Workflow issues are different for everyone based on the equipment they have, but in a situation where time is critical the most important part is reducing the time it takes to get the material into your edit software, and reducing the time it takes to output it back to whatever format you are delivering.

Since you're doing greenscreen work with a DV camera, you can expect a serious amount of rendering time to make it look good, even with a great chromakey plug-in. Greenscreen with DV footage has it's own issues.

Overall I'd just say to have the most kick-*ss system you can possibly afford in terms of processors and fast drives, plus an NLE software package that caters to HDV natively. On top of that, spend the money to get a good chromakey plug in like Ultimatte or Primatte - it will save you more time than trying to get a good key from the built-in chromakey stuff that comes with most NLE's.

Good luck!


Noel Lising
August 18th, 2009, 11:54 AM
I would be more concern about the shoot than the plug-in. I have seen green shoots before it has to be lighted correctly. I suggest doing a trial shoot before the actual gig.

Peter Manojlovic
August 18th, 2009, 12:42 PM
Thanks Noel...

Yes, i've done test samples, and am picking up on the learning curve..I can definately see why the serious work is done with 4:2:2 cameras...Every little bit of data is a Godsend.

As far as a kick a$$ system is concerned, it's a bit of a dated HD worksation, but the Matrox card allows for some quick realtime playback...
Although it's not as intense as say "Keylight" in AE, the customer's needs will be met..

Ideally, i'm guessing some sort of tapeless workflow, with either a laptop, or dedicated PC on sight..Otherwise, logistically speaking, i don't think it can be done as efficiently as i'd like...

My current pattern is:
Go to the site...Tape. Run back to the edit bay. Recapture, edit, composite, output...Output....Output..
Before i forget, is batch exporting allowed nowadays with Premiere Pro? That would definately save some serious time. I'm still on CS2.0, but will definately consider moving on to CS4.0...