View Full Version : JVC HD250 and the Nano Flash - experiences?

Chad Haufschild
August 18th, 2009, 10:05 AM
I'm looking at the Nano Flash as an acquisition system from the HD SDI off my HD250. I've cruised the Nano Flash forum and started a thread in the ProHD forum as well with little luck finding good info about this combo.

My impression is, if I understand the technology correctly, that the 720 60p out of the HD SDI of the HD250 can be captured using the Nano to process the pulldown for 24p mfx files. I'd like to see the 24p footage to get an idea how good it looks compared to the standard HDV 24p footage the camera puts to tape. I'm sure the images will be of higher quality, but I'm worried about the pulldown process.

Anyone using this combo? Can you help a guy out and share your experiences and maybe post some comparison footage?

I'll also be converting the mfx files to Cineform intermediate for editing using ProspectHD. Any experience on this would be helpful as well.


Dan Keaton
August 18th, 2009, 05:57 PM
Dear Chad,

In the near future, we will enable 24p Pull-Down removal in the nanoFlash and Flash XDR.

This is part of a free firmware upgrade that is in test at this time.

This will make the task of working with 24p files easier.

Chad Haufschild
August 18th, 2009, 09:43 PM
So I'm jumping the gun a little bit here. Sorry about that. I reread the current capabilities and did find that the unit currently only supports 720p60 / 59.94 / 50.

I need to do some more homework concerning the HD250's HD SDI output capabilities. I think it will do 720p60 and 1080/60i. Are you intending to implement pulldown from any output stream to achieve 24p or are you limiting the pulldown to 1080 streams?


Chad Haufschild
August 20th, 2009, 08:04 AM
A little help from Tim Dashwood answered many questions for me regarding the JVC HD250's HD SDI capabilities.

It will output both 720p60 and 1080i. The obvious choice for pulldown would be 720p60, progessive frames and all that bit. The camera is able to mark the stream with "varicam flags" to mark the needed frames for pulldown.

Is the pulldown implementation planned for the Nano set up to use varicam flagging? This seems like the best option in this case.

Dan Keaton
August 20th, 2009, 09:00 AM
Dear Chad,

While the Varicam Flags work fine for Varicam output, we have a "secret sauce" that works great for most, if not all, cameras. We detect the duplicated frames using another method.

This allows the nanoFlash to be more versatile.

Chad Haufschild
August 20th, 2009, 11:03 AM
Thanks, Dan. Let me know when the pulldown is ready. I look forward to seeing the results.

Dan Keaton
August 20th, 2009, 11:10 AM
Dear Chad,

This feature is undergoing testing at this time.

Our initial testing has been very positive.