View Full Version : Cineform Hd convert tab
Telemaco U July 20th, 2004, 07:10 AM Dear Everybody
This is is my firts post and i am a Italin Boy
I have downloaded and installed aspect Hd for Premiere Pro 1.5 tryal version
I have not a HD1/10 but i have download from this formun (thank you)
4 clip af that camera in m2t format,and now i want to try to edit it in premiere pro 1.5 using aspect hd
so i must convert the m2t clip in CFHD Avi format for import that clip in premiere pro using Aspect Hd solution.
But when i try to convert that clip in the Cineform HD link Convert Tab it always appears on log dialog 3 error:
1)Error m_graph->Connect direct(pUpstramPin,imput pin,0)
1)Error connectPin(audio output pin mpeg audiodecoder)
3)Error m_convert graph(iput filename output filename avi quality.)
I have executed the instructions of the PDF of cineform guide but ,it don't works.
There are someone wich have any idea?
Is possible use the conver tab without the hd10 installed on cineform hd link?
Best regards
Phil Wright July 20th, 2004, 09:49 AM It sounds like one or more of the MPEG components aren't registered/installed on your system.
Open a Windows Explorer (file browser) and look for the following directory: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Moonlight\". These four files should be there:,, and
If they aren't there, uninstall and reinstall watching for any error messages.
If they are there you can try this:
1) Open a Command Prompt from the Start Menu \ Programs \ Accessories.
2) Change to the directory above by typing into the Command Prompt "CD" and the path above.
3) For each of the four files type the following: regsvr32 <filename>. Replacing <filename> with the names above.
Then try the conversion again.
Feel free to post here or email if you are still having problems.
Telemaco U July 20th, 2004, 01:45 PM Dear Phil
The directory "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Moonlight\"there isn't ......but i have unistalled and reinstalled and now (the directory there i'snt)but it works perfectly!
Thank you for your support
Best regards
Phil Wright July 20th, 2004, 03:33 PM Glad it's working now. Let us know what you think after you get a chance to work with it.
Telemaco U July 22nd, 2004, 11:40 AM Dear Phil
the convert tab work perfect now but..............the adobe media encoder export don't work!
After the m2t file convertions i have importated it into a 720p 30fsd cineform's project.
But when i export the timeline (only 30 seconds of clip) with all any option of adobe media encoder(mpeg2 720p , mpeg2 DVD ecc....)it always appear this message :
"Adobe Premiere Pro failed to return a video frame.cancell the opartio "
so it's impossible expoting using a cineform project (if i use a Dv project with a dv clip the adobe media encoder exporter work fine).
So plese can anyone Help me with this exporting problem?
Best regards
Phil Wright July 22nd, 2004, 12:04 PM Gabriele,
Can you export the timeline to a movie (AVI)?
Also I believe you are using Premiere Pro 1.5. You did download v2.3 of Aspect HD?
Telemaco U July 22nd, 2004, 12:38 PM Dear Phil
yes i have 1.5 and i have the v2.3 of aspect Hd.
I have tryed to export a movie and it works,
but the avi clip are unplayble (only sound skratch).
My operative sistem is clean : i have reinstalled now :
Windows xp ; service pack 1 ; Direct x9b ;Premiere pro 1.5 and Aspect Hd v2.3
Ff i put the clip at 2/3 seconds on the timeline ,
the export (media encoder)works and when it arrive at the start of the video clip it appear the error.
I must resolve the problem!!!!!!But i relly don't know
Best regards
Phil Wright July 22nd, 2004, 02:44 PM Gabriele,
I'm sorry about the problems. I am not sure what is happening but will talk about it with the others here and see if we can come up with an answer.
At a guess it still sounds like missing components or a bad install.
More later.
Gabriele Turchi July 25th, 2004, 05:05 AM Der Phil
I am Gabriele (Telemaco in the past post, now i have changed account becouse i had a account problem ) ,
I absolutally need you help about the EXPORTING PROBLEM using mpeg encoder and Aspect HD.
Me too i think that the problem is a bad installation or missing component but i have reinstall all 3 times,
so i write the all operation list that i have made:
1)install windows Xp professional
2)install service pack1
3)install chipset (nforce 2)driver
4)install video card driver
5)install adobe premire pro 1.5
6)install tryal version Aspect HD V2.3
After that istallation i have made that operation:
1)open Cineform Hd link tab
2)Go to the "convert tab"---->import a m2t clip (1820x720 30p clip)--------->convert using the defoult option
3)Open premiere pro 1.5--->choose Aspect Hd 720 30p project----->import file(the file that i have converted)
4)put the file into the Timeline
5)Go to : file--->Export----->adobe media encoder----->chose a mpeg 2 DVHS 720P 30P preset (or any others format or preset)
6)Choose name and directory to export------>>Press export-------->>>.........
ERROR : "Adobe Premiere Pro failed to return a video frame.cancell the opartio"
So please tell me if i forgot any operations or some others thing becouse i really don't know what the roblem is!
Best reagards
Phil Wright July 26th, 2004, 01:33 PM You are using the trial version of Premiere right?
Make sure the CineForm plug-ins are in the correct location on your system. That would probably be:
c:\program files\adobe\premiere pro 1.5\plug-ins\it_it\CineForm.
It is important that they be in the correct language subdirectory of plug-ins.
On the bad AVI export I want you to try again. Put a short clip on the timline and select Export/Movie (Ctrl-M) from the File menu.
When the dialog opens for selecting the file name look in the Summary section at the bottom. Find the line under Video Settings that says "Compressor:". Does it also say "CineForm HD Codec"? If it doesn't click on the Settings button and then go to the Video settings. Make sure it says "CineForm HD Codec" and then click on the OK button.
Try the export again. Is this AVI playable in Media Player?
On your WMV export. Some of the WMV exports expect to see 5.1 sound and will fail without it. Check the preset you are using to make sure the audio matches what you have.
Try a RealMedia or MPEG2 export and see if those work.
Gabriele Turchi July 27th, 2004, 06:02 AM Dear Phil
Nothing.......nothing work!
1)i have controlled and the plug-in are installed on :
c:\program\adobe\premiere pro 1.5\plug-ins\en_US\CineForm
and not in the location that you have indicate to me:
c:\program files\adobe\premiere pro 1.5\plug-ins\it_it\CineForm
2)for the export with "adobe media encoder" doesn't work and it always apper the same mesage.
"Adobe Premiere Pro failed to return a video frame.cancell the opartion"
5)For the " export movie " question:
In the line under Video Settings on "compressor"it doesn't say "CineForm HD Codec"(there is no incodec indication),
so, if i click export in this the exporter work,but the video is unplayable (only skratch sound",
if i click settings and i choose "CineForm HD Codec"(the other setting are ok : file tipe :cineform export ; frame rate ecc....all ok)
when i click export it appear this message :
" error compiling movie.unknown error."
6)for the windows media exporter:
yes you have reason i have had change the audio setting........but after that it apear the same message for the mpeg 2 export:
"Adobe Premiere Pro failed to return a video frame.cancell the opartion"
I really don't know!!!!!!!
It doesn't work NOTHING!!!!!!!!
I repet you that the operation that i have made and the softwere that i have installed are in in my past post ,no other operation or setting changes.
At this point i think is a hardware question.
My configuartion:
Amd Athlon xp 3000+
Chipset nforce2 ultra400
Audio : on nforce chipset (5.1 sound)
video :ati radeon 9600 or matrox g450
PS:remember when you have say to me :
"Open a Windows Explorer (file browser) and look for the following directory: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Moonlight\". These four files should be there:,, and
I don't have this directory and this file!!!!
It will be the problem?
Best regards
Phil Wright July 28th, 2004, 01:29 PM Gabriele,
> 1)i have controlled and the plug-in are installed on :
> c:\program\adobe\premiere pro 1.5\plug-ins\en_US\CineForm
That's okay if you are using the Premiere Pro 1.5 Tryout as it apparently only uses the en_US plug-ins dir even with other languages.
> "Open a Windows Explorer (file browser) and look
> for the following directory: "C:\Program Files\Common
> Files\Moonlight\". These four files should be there:
>,, and
> I don't have this directory and this file!!!!
> It will be the problem?
If HDLink can convert the transport streams (.M2T files) then those files are there and being used.
They are only used for decoding and converting the MPEG transport streams to AVI files. Not used at all during export.
I've done some testing with the Premiere Pro 1.5 Tryout install and our Aspect HD 2.3 trial. On a clean OS install there should be absolutely nothing you need to do but install Premiere and then install Aspect HD.
You didn't make any registry changes or other tweaks prior to installing Aspect HD?
You did say that the captured/converted AVI files played on the timeline? Do they play in Media Player?
I see that you are running on an Athlon XP. We don't support Aspect HD on the Athlon XPs as they don't have the SSE2 instruction set. We try to be compatible but we don't do any testing with them.
Gabriele Turchi July 29th, 2004, 04:54 AM Dear Phil
>>>>>>I see that you are running on an Athlon XP. We don't support Aspect HD on the Athlon XPs as they don't have the SSE2 instruction set. We try to be compatible but we don't do any testing with them. -->>>
I think this is the problem!
Only the P4 and the Ahtlon64 have the SS2 instruction set!
so i think you must will try to make it copatible becouse the peple with AMD athlon xp can't Use/Buy Aspect HD.
I think that we have now found the i can't Use apsect hd:
Thank you for your support.
Best regards
Phil Wright July 29th, 2004, 02:25 PM Aspect HD is targeted at higher-performance systems and customers who need thed higher performance that is had with the SSE2 instruction set.
For those who don't need multi-stream, real-time HD editing, effects and transitions we provide Connect HD which does work with the Athlon XP processors.
But you can still convert your footage to WMV format in Premiere. Create a custom editing preset in VFW mode that is 1280x720 @ 30fps and then import the CFHD AVI files that you already have. This won't be using any of our plugins or video pipeline but they should play and work without issue. If you still have problems then there is something else wrong with your PC.
Gabriele Turchi July 30th, 2004, 05:59 AM Dear Phil
Now is all clear.
But there is no possibility to download the tryal version of connect HD?
Best regards