View Full Version : PAL to NTSC conversion question

July 30th, 2002, 12:24 PM
I was looking at getting a PAL model camera since it transfers easier to film. The only thing is it may be a while before I output to film and will most likely be outputting to DVD for the time being. So, the question is how wise would it be to buy a PAL camera and just convert from PAL to NTSC in software? I would think that since motion pictures are 24fps and are converted to NTSC it should be quite similar shouldn't it? Basically I just want to buy one camera that can comfortably be used for both film and NTSC DVD and so far from what I've read it seems PAL may be a wiser choice. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.


Jeff Donald
July 30th, 2002, 02:50 PM
There are several threads that touch on this subject and the basic concenus is to pick a transfer house that will do the conversion and follow their recomendations. Software conversion from PAL to NTSC are usually either slow and fair quality or fast and poor quality. I do software conversions for reference work. Clients get conversions that are professionaly done.


Srinivasa Yerneni
July 30th, 2002, 05:56 PM
Has any body tried TenLab’s TR-1000Pro. It converts from
PAL to NTSC and vice-versa. Its priced around $1599.
Does the converted one has the broadcast quality?
Look at

Are there any cheaper converters that give a good quality?

Frank Granovski
July 30th, 2002, 09:36 PM
Is that the one that is the S-video deck?

I use regular VCR (AV) converters (Aiwa MX100).

For broadcast or near broadcast quality, check out Canopus's 2 software programs for converting formats. I've heard good things about them.