View Full Version : I'm back...

Stephen van Vuuren
July 18th, 2004, 10:10 PM
Yes, I've obtained credit to buy a new cam after losing my two DVX100's a year ago in a finacial scam.

I waited until the XL2 came out, but it seems a big chunk of change to get native 16:9 and oodles of telephoto. Suprising that still only has the 3X wide which is no wider than 10x on DVX100a.

So, I'm looking at prices and accessories at evsonline...

Peter Sieben
July 19th, 2004, 03:38 PM
Hi Stephen,

Already ordered your DVX100a? ;-)

Am I right that you've made the movie Soliloquy some time ago? I read about it and watched a trailer of it, but it isn't on your site, is it? Any chance of seeing this movie somewhere.

Best regards,


Stephen van Vuuren
July 19th, 2004, 03:44 PM
I did order it today from Promax - lowest price from authorized dealer and very low shipping.

Yes - I am the Soliloquy guy. It's currently on the shelf for a re-edit. I had enourmous problems during production and it never ended up the way I wanted it to.

Jeff Donald
July 19th, 2004, 04:00 PM
That's great news on the camera Stephen, congratulations.

Aaron Koolen
July 19th, 2004, 05:13 PM
Hey Stephen, sorry to hear you got scammed so long ago too. But good to hear you're back with another camera (what? No Xl2? hehe)

Happy filming!


Peter Sieben
July 19th, 2004, 11:33 PM
Hi Aaron,

What about your new camcorder? Have you bought one already or do you still have a restless sleep at night, dreaming of all those digital baby's you could choose from?


Aaron Koolen
July 20th, 2004, 02:06 AM
Hi Peter. No still haven't bought ;) I've been in that place where I havn't *needed* and because I knew the Canon Xl2 was coming out towards the end of the year I could hold off. I will still upgrade either to an Xl2 or Xl1s. Probably the latter due to price. Unfortunately I want the look of something like the Xl2, something more pro. I've even thought about the Panasonic DVC200 (I think that's what it is called).

How's your camera going?


Peter Sieben
July 20th, 2004, 02:34 AM
Well Aaron, you could consider the DVX100(a) also, if you are thinking of the XL1S. It's superior when it comes to the 25 fps (PAL) progressive footage with full vertical resolution, especially if you tweak the manual settings to match your own taste. People are amazed of it's image quality and the cinema tone. The DVX100 feels like a complete camcorder for me, with the XLR inputs and the stanard wide angle lens. I don't bother with zoom options so the 10X zoom in enough for me. There are only 2 things that could be better with the DVX100 model: in some situations you can't come close enugh to your subject (solved with the DVX100a model) and keeping it steady in my hands for a longer period is not comfortable for me, but that says more about me then the camcorder itself. I use the handle on top a lot during shooting.

Aaron Koolen
July 20th, 2004, 02:57 AM
Peter, I've definately considered the DVX100a. For me though I'm shooting more news style events these days for my website. I'll be doing doccos and all that stuff too, so I'm sort of looking for something that looks like a "flash" camera. It might help me be taken more seriously when I'm out and about as someone doing something "important" rather than some guy with a handycam style camera.

That said, I'm not totally decided but I will probably go the Xl1s/Xl2 route.


Peter Sieben
July 20th, 2004, 03:31 AM
Hi Aaron, well I always learned from these webforums that the XL1 is more sexy to be seen with while filming, compared to the DVX100. There was some discussion about that a while ago. But you add a new dimension to that: it looks also more professional when shooting news video. Good point ! ;-)

The DVX100 is not so much of a run and gun camcorder, although it does a good job in the standard video mode I think. In 25 fps mode some settings have to be tweaked manually.

BTW, have you already seen BitterSweet? It's online now, just visit the website mentioned below. It's shot with the DVX100, who knows how sexy this production is in your eyes.... !


Dean Harrington
July 30th, 2004, 06:44 AM
no matter what you do sometimes you get taken. Got a friend about to get shafted for about $10,000 and he's pissed.

Stephen van Vuuren
July 30th, 2004, 10:13 AM
Yes, it happens. But in the grand scheme of life, I was pretty fortunate. Many that were in first group that were hit by this scam (counterfeit cashiers check scam) ended up in jail!

The irony was I knew mine was a scam until the check cleared and stayed cleared in my bank. Then I decided I must have wrongfully judged the person. After all, a bank would not clear a counterfeit check, would they...

Turns out the do all the time - and it's your fault for putting it in. And they are supposed to check it but are legally required to do so.

I could have sued the bank and one, but it would have cost at least $15K to file it.