View Full Version : How do I Synchronize the clock signals on my ASIO Audigy2 card

Dwight Flynn
July 18th, 2004, 08:54 AM
How do I make sure that the clock signals on your Audigy2 zs ASIO cards are synchronized correctly.


Rob Lohman
August 1st, 2004, 10:27 AM
With the lack of responses I don't think anyone is understanding
your question or what you are trying to do. I certainly don't own
an Audig2 card and I also have no clue what you are asking.

Perhaps you can alaborate a bit more?

Giroud Francois
August 1st, 2004, 10:46 AM

but unfortunately i do not think the audigy is at a professional level that allows fiddling with the clocks.
You should check with high end card like turtle beach.

If you just mean by synchronizing clock, the way to use SPiF DIF and different clock rate that the internal one (48Khz) it is possible that the latest audigy EX with asio 2 offers more on this side.

By the way, for info, this clock problem is often seen by people trying to record optical output from CD or other device with a clock frequency not compatible with their sound card.
I think it is a kind of tribute to copy protection, to allow the presence of optical input on the card without having the majors suing them for providing a tool able to make perfect copy.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
August 2nd, 2004, 09:52 AM
First, Audigy can't be clock-synced internally.
Second, even though some Turtle Beach cards can be, they aren't a "professional" card by any means. Back in the day of the 56K they were, but then they decided to go consumer. DACs are the same DACs as what are found in Audigy, Yamaha, and other consumer cards.
Third, most professional cards don't allow for much control either, because ASIO, when implemented properly, has a dialog with the application, and clocks are controlled there. Cubase, Vegas, Sonar, etc, allow you to set some points, but frankly, they usually work best when left alone.
Dwight, what prompted the question? Are you having some latency issues in recording? Or read an article about potential problems?
Sorry for the delayed response, I'm in Singapore and on a dialup, and therefore it's slow to load pages. Makes me lazy about loading up posts.