Aaron Nanto
July 29th, 2002, 11:01 AM
Hi all,
I'm looking for a cheap one or two light solution (under 100-200w each) for a location shot. I won't have outlets where I will be shooting so they will have to run on batteries (preferable) or a small generator (if I have to). Any suggestions would be great!
Nori Wentworth
July 29th, 2002, 11:05 AM
Maybe try going to the hardware store and get some work flood lights. For power a 500W inverter can also be purchased quite inexpensively (no noise).
Aaron Nanto
July 29th, 2002, 11:25 AM
I just looked up info on the inverter...that's a good idea! However, I probably won't be shooting next to my car (and extension cables can only go so far...) so I might need to find a different power solution.
As for the lights, I was actually looking at a more studio-grade solution w/barn doors, etc so that I have more control over what my light looks like (though flood lights are good and cheap, I guess I should have said how cheap I wanted to go :)
Wayde Gardner
August 1st, 2002, 09:47 AM
I can forward you an article (or link) about building portable florescent lights that run on 100... basically able to plug in anywhere. It's a "build it yourself" project but their inexpensive, portable, cheap to operate and most importantly, cool and color correct.
Let me know.
Aaron Nanto
August 1st, 2002, 06:00 PM
Yes yes, anything will do!
Aaron Koolen
August 1st, 2002, 06:17 PM
Wayde, that link might be handy to a number of us here. Can you post it in this thread?
Wayde Gardner
August 1st, 2002, 08:18 PM
The link is:
They run on 110 :)
And be VERY aware when you run a genorator on location to have it out of ear (mic?) shot
"That thing run on 220?"
"220 - 221 Whatever it takes"
Michael Keaton - Mr. Mom
I'm having some trouble locating the corect bulbs and am going directly to GE - I'll post any results here.
Wayde G
Still looking for crew in DFW to help shoot Tin Can Shinny and a documentary on the Ft. Worth Cats.
Bryan Beasleigh
August 2nd, 2002, 02:13 PM
I have all the parts at my disposal (free) and would rather stay with incandessant. Just far too much hassel playing with the high output electronic ballasts and finicky tube sockets (lamp ends). Unless the fixtures are made to be flexed and fiddled with, it's an exercise in futility.