Pat Engh
July 17th, 2004, 12:02 PM
Does anyone know the proper way of doing this.... would you use some style of 3 point lighting, or ???
View Full Version : Lighting an anchor set / News room... Pat Engh July 17th, 2004, 12:02 PM Does anyone know the proper way of doing this.... would you use some style of 3 point lighting, or ??? Mike Rehmus July 19th, 2004, 07:02 PM The only studio I've been in recently was channel 7 in San Franciso. The background has its own lighting and the talent and their desk is lit by 3-4 large softboxes plus hairlights, etc. The weather station is lit by another set of lights. 3-point lighting is not used because it casts shadows. If you look at a newscast, the lighting tends to be flat on the face of the talent. So they look younger. Scott Balkum July 19th, 2004, 07:15 PM Having worked at a large station for years, I Can tell you that most news sets are lit with approximately 20-40 lights. Many soft lights and focusable lights with many different gels on each. The lighting guy is an artist all on his own using a software package to design any changes to the lighting grid. But, you can achieve a reasonable look with 4-5 lights as most lights on set are "decorating with light".. Using them to create splashes of light in certain patterns on various parts of the set. Scott Halver July 20th, 2004, 06:27 PM Keep it soft and flat, but make sure you "pop" them off the background with some kickers/hair lights. |