View Full Version : 4 track audio capturing with Raptor Edit!

Adam Wakely
July 29th, 2002, 03:07 AM
I have a Canopus DV Raptor card. I cannot capture my 4 audio tracks from my XL1. But if I use the Raptor Edit program it lets me use my audio card and capture the other 2 audio track at the same time. This works great but...

I use to use the demo version off the Canopus site and it did the job well as I never used it for anything but a "seamless/batch capture". Now that I only use Windows XP it will not work unless I upgrade. I can't upgrade because I have only a demo version!

Anyone know where I can just buy a full version of Raptor Edit?
Even Canopus doesn't seem to sell it (unless it's in a bundle).
It's a hard to find program for some reason. I guess it wasn't ment to be sold as a seperate piece.


Peter Lock
July 29th, 2002, 06:47 AM
The sofware does indeed come bundled with the card, can you not check with whomever you purchased it from,
Or Alternatively E-mail Canopus with your situation and ask if they might bewilling to sell the software seperatley.

July 29th, 2002, 06:53 AM
It's been posted many times on the now-defunct Canopus Forum that if you buy their $40 Video Tools CD, it WILL come with Raptor Edit. It's not disclosed on their website, but many Canopus users who bought the disc have verified it. If not directly through Canopus, the disc was listed on B&H's website as I recall.

Not all versions of DV Raptor had Raptor Edit bundled with the card. I should know, I bought the version that bundled Premeire LE... never bothered using it, opting for my trusty MediaStudio Pro instead.

Edward Troxel
July 29th, 2002, 08:52 AM
Or... you could buy Scenalyzer Live ($33) and capture the second stereo track via firewire.

Adam Wakely
July 29th, 2002, 01:48 PM
Scenalyzer Live demo version won't work with DV Raptor. They say if the demo won't work then the puchased version won't either. It won't detect my firewire connection yet it works with Raptor video. Scenalyzer Live looks like it could be a great program though!

Thanks all for the tips! My search will continue...