View Full Version : I've tried out XL2. It rocks!

Chosei Funahara
July 16th, 2004, 03:05 PM
XL2 rocks!
I went to DV expo east yesterday and I tried out XL2. The 24p image qualities are very similar to Panasonic DVXa, without knowing from the source, you think that it came from DVXa anomorphic lense; not squeeze mode like DVXa. It's true 16:9. It's beautiful. I did not see the film transfer version on big projected screen, so I couldn't tell how good resolutions are.
"16" set up zoom control is satin smooth and better than XL1s and DVXa.
Handheld position is very good and much more comfortable than PD-170 or DVXa, but shooting low angle might have a little problem without LCD screen.
BNC out is very useful.
I did not care about Film Grain effect. Reason: I did not have time to play enough and I couldn't see the difference.
But overall XL2's performances are beyond excellent.
XL2 will be a big hit in US and kit price (with new 20x lense) will be 4,999.00 US dollar MSRP; will be out August 25th 2004.

Chris Hurd
July 16th, 2004, 03:40 PM
Thanks for the input. I agree about the Film Grain effect; it's just a digital effect and probably the first thing worth overlooking on the camera.

Chosei Funahara
July 16th, 2004, 03:41 PM
I love XL2, another reason: Chris said about that XL2 also can use P+S Techni mini35.
I can use all my old leicaR lenses and PL mount lenses.

Don Berube
July 18th, 2004, 12:34 PM
Hello Chosei,

Since you are a Mini35 Digital user, I thought I would mention that when the Film Grain is switched on, it looks very similar to the type of "static grain" you will see in a Mini35 image when you turn the rotating OFF with the ground glass. You know when the ground glass is not spinning and it is static. Also, it opens up the contrast a bit in the image. After turning on the Film Grain effect, I would suggest going back into your Custom Preset settings and re-tweaking the blacks in your image until you are satisfied with the contrast and the depth of your blacks. You can re-adjust the Coring and Sharpness too to reduce the added noise. This is a way to include only just a minimal amount of the Film Grain effect in your image.

Hope this makes sense,,, I was able to use the effect on a few looks with acceptable results. It isn't meant to be just switched on without re-tweaking your Custom Preset, nor was it meant to be used on everything you shoot.

Less of the Film Grain effect is more. Obviously, there are always film grain effect options in post.

- don