View Full Version : 5dM2 Editing Workflow for MAC & Pr Pro CS4

Andy Batt
August 17th, 2009, 04:27 PM
This is the workflow we used on the 48HFP - it's NOT supposed to be the perfect, or the most HD, or anything other than solid, quick and repeatable.

1: Ingested footage from CF Card reader using ADOBE BRIDGE CS4 and ADOBE PHOTO DOWNLOADER

2: Reviewed footage using Microsoft's EXPRESSION MEDIA (V2) - a quicktime based viewing asset manager

3: Using ADOBE MEDIA ENCODER CS4, all important footage was transcoded into MPEG-2, 720p, 30FPS

4: Footage brought into ADOBE PREMIERE PRO CS4, edited and exported to whatever format nesc.


It works, the footage is high quality, can be edited/played in realtime, no pre-render nesc (once it's in Premiere), and you can go out to HD or SD quickly.

