View Full Version : WD-H58 Wide Converter (on HF S100)

David M. Spell
August 17th, 2009, 12:35 PM
WD-H58 Wide Converter on Vimeo (

"Side by side scene comparisons of Vixia HF S100 with Canon's WD-H58 Wide Converter lens on and off. This was shot at MXP bitrate (24Mbit) in Portrait mode, 60i. The original MTS files were then transcoded with Cineform Neo to 30p and cut together in Premiere Pro CS3."

Note I believe the MP4 will only be available for download until Monday August 24th 2009.

Dan Jones
August 19th, 2009, 01:14 AM
Do you find you can zoom through the whole range without loss of fidelity?
Could you do some zoom tests (across whole 10x) and upload those?

Do you find it makes the camera front-heavy?

Thx for sharing!

I have a good offer for a WC-DC58-B lens - anyone recommend that as a cheaper alternative?

David M. Spell
September 1st, 2009, 06:25 PM
Do you find you can zoom through the whole range without loss of fidelity?
Could you do some zoom tests (across whole 10x) and upload those?

Do you find it makes the camera front-heavy?

Thx for sharing!

I have a good offer for a WC-DC58-B lens - anyone recommend that as a cheaper alternative?

Sorry Dan. I've been AWOL form the site for a while. I'll see if I can do some zoom tests and post here. And yes it's quite unbalanced unfortunately but not a deal killer. Just something to get used to.

Robin Davies-Rollinson
September 6th, 2009, 07:39 AM
I use this setup since I had the lens with my XM2, so I was glad that the HF S100 had a 58mm. filter thread.
You can zoom all the way through, but it loses a bit of definition rather than focus.
I don't find the weight a problem - and with it's black colour, it's a perfect match.
I always use the petal hood that came with it as well to help cut out any flare.

Kevin Bjorke
September 27th, 2009, 06:10 PM
I have an older version, the 0.8x WC-DC58 -- the weight is pretty comfortable on my HF S11, not a significant add.

Wish I could find a replacement lens cap, though (tupperware?)

Dan Jones
September 29th, 2009, 10:13 PM
Hi Kevin - Im really keen to find out more about the WC-DC58 lens on a HF S10 / 11.

Which of these variants is it: A, B or N...
WC-DC58 (

Can you post some with/without pics, looking at some objects close+far from the same position?

+ Post some pics of your cam with the lens attached too!

+ Does it affect picture quality much?
