View Full Version : CF folder structure

Rafael Amador
August 17th, 2009, 10:33 AM
I'm getting ready for the NANO-to-come and reading everything about.
I haven't read any comment about the CF's file structure and i have a lot of curiosity to know about.
What i gonna find/
is similar to the SxS cards, different?
Who it is?
Thanks in advance for the info,

Dan Keaton
August 17th, 2009, 12:09 PM
Dear Rafael,

When the CompactFlash card is formated by the nanoFlash we build a "}CLP{" folder

The clips will be placed in this folder.

The files will have a filename as follows

First Two Digits = nanoFlash Unit ID, 0 to 99, or camera number.

Next Three Digits = Clip Number (This is the same number for each recording.)
The nanoFlash cycles through 001 to 999 before reseting back to 001.

Next Three Digits = Sub-clip or File number, 001 to 999.

Then ".mov" or ".mxf" depending on the type of file we are creating.

We also build a }STT{ file which should be left alone.
It has internal information concerning the CompactFlash card for use by the nanoFlash.

Rafael Amador
August 17th, 2009, 05:51 PM
Hi Dan,
Thanks a lot for the info.
That sounds much simple than the SxS structure.