Chris Hurd
November 6th, 2001, 12:33 AM
Anybody else experienced this feel-not-so-good movie? Frankly, I liked it *a lot,* but then I also liked the director's previous opus, "Pi." Darren Aronofsky continues the same shooting style he developed in "Pi," kind of reminds me how Robert Rodriguez developed a style in his college short "Bedhead" and carried it into "El Mariachi." I love signature styles like this. It's like signing your name with a camera.
Neither "Requiem for a Dream" nor "Pi" are for everyone, but I really dig this stuff for some strange morbid reason. "Requiem" is without question a downward spiral to hell for all of its principal actors. This is not a date movie by any means!
I have to admit I was quite unprepared for the DVD intro. It really caught me off guard -- I thought something was wrong with the TV. No kidding, the DVD's intro threw me completely off balance... I thought I was going to have to get behind the entertainment center and check my cables.
File this rental under "definitely worth the late charge."
Casey Visco
November 17th, 2001, 04:40 PM
Actually for me "Requiem" kind of was a date movie, my girlfriend saw it with a friend of hers and loved it. So she and I watched it together, and I loved it! Certainly not a happy film, but I was completely drawn in by the story. And the photography was spot on.
The DVD intro threw me a bit for a while too, I kept trying to get to the root menu (not realizing that the infomercial screen was in fact the root menu)...I was mildy embarrased to say the least, but looking back on it now I can laugh!
One of the reasons I bought a DVD player to begin with was for the extras, and the commentaries. Soderbergh after all once said that the best thing to do if you're going to study film is to get a DVD player! "Requiem" had a nice Behind the Scenes featurette.
It's certainly on my list of DVD's to OWN.
Henry Czuprinski
November 26th, 2001, 06:28 PM
Pi is my all time favorite first film by an unknown director. Check out the book/journal for a fun read.
I haven't worked up the nerve to see Requiem again-
In a dark room alone? I dunno? Visionary stuff though.
Who else loves Lost Highway? Lynch at his best in my book- twisted,yummy story/movie.
Of course without Patricia Arquette- it's just a wierd tale- She's about the hottest femme fatale I can remember.
Adam Lawrence
March 27th, 2002, 04:10 PM
for sure requiem is one of the best movies Ive seen...
I love darrens work and is a great signature style..Like alot of directors I
admire the signiture in the peice
some of my favorite film styles come from directors like, david fincher,
stanley kubrick, guy ritchie.
does anyone know of any directors whom achive a style of their own,
enough to call a "signature"?
I would like to check out other poeples list of directors whos works they admire.
Also...has anyone checked out the new TV series on FX called "The Sheild"..
I cannot bear to look at TV but actually sat down to catch a few minutes of it...The way the series is shot makes it very well worth having a look.
Its filmed in an almost "documentary style" yet it has a twist of traditional
law series feel mixed in with it...
Rob Lohman
March 28th, 2002, 03:11 AM
Requiem was a very nice movie! Scary, but nice. I did watch
it completely dark, my surround set full open all by myself!
Another one I very much enjoyed as well was Memento.
There is a SE 2-disc coming in a couple of months! Yeah!
My fav. of these not so normal movies are the usual ones:
- Se7en
- Fightclub
- Requiem
- Memento
- The Green Mile
- The Sixth Sense
- Avalon (more Science Fiction, I know)