November 5th, 2001, 09:31 PM
I am having a very difficult time making copies of my DV tapes. I have connected my XL1 to my GL1 via firewire and neither of the cameras seem to recognize that they have been connected to a firewire. Any suggesions? thanks
Chris Hurd
November 5th, 2001, 11:55 PM
Make sure audio recording modes are the same on both cameras. Connect 'em with a FireWire cable and set both on VCR mode. Press play one one, record on the other. That's not working for you? Details, please...
November 6th, 2001, 04:47 AM
I set up the XL1 as the recorder and the GL1 as the play camera. Both set to VCR. Then as the instructions said, I hit the record button on the XL1, but it keeps saying "check DV connection" or something like that on the display screen. Tried it the reverse way to with the GL1 as the record camera, and that didn't work either. If its as simple as just setting to vcr and hitting play/record on respective cameras, then I fear something mechanical may be wrong....
Chris Hurd
November 6th, 2001, 06:55 AM
First step: replace the FireWire cable.
Whenever wrenching on an old '72 Ford pick-up, my dad taught me to start with the least expensive repair option and work your way up in expense until it was fixed.
November 6th, 2001, 08:41 AM
I second Chris on this one. I just recently had a firewire die on me. Freaked me out when I didn't know what was wrong. I have an extra now just in case. BTW I was surprised by the wide range of prices on the net on identical cables.