Heath Hays
July 12th, 2004, 09:51 AM
So, ive had my xl1-s for about 4 months. Ive used it id say for about 25 hours recording and same for playback to capture. I am considering buying another low end dv camera to playback these tapes, rather than burn out my xl1. All of a sudden, im having trouble with tapes. the motors inside are making painful noises like the tape is stuck. ive had trouble removing the tape. it wont record or playback smoothly. This only began happening last night, but im afraid to do anything without knowing what i SHOULD do. I got the tape out finally. I know that i have used about 3 diferent brands of tapes. Do cheap dv tapes cause problems? Why did this happen to me? does god hate me? HELP
Rob Lohman
July 12th, 2004, 11:07 AM
The reasons this probably happens is because your heads are
diry (most probable cause is mixing tape brands which you usually
do NOT want to do. At least use a cleaning tape when you must
If the cleaning tape does not help you with your problem some-
thing might be wrong with your camera. Send it in to Canon.
You should still have warranty.
Kent Metschan
July 12th, 2004, 11:47 AM
I've worked on many different projects and my first rule is that I only use Panasonic tapes. My teacher in school would only accept this brand and the guy I bought my camera from ONLY sells this brand. I've never had a problem with my heads and I know this because I only use one brand. I buy 10 packs from pro-tape and a bulk discount gets me about $4.50 per tape. I show up with my own tapes and charge the client.
Try cleaning the heads with a $10 tape cleaner before sending it in though.
Luis Caffesse
July 12th, 2004, 12:14 PM
I've never had a tape head problem either. I've only used Sony tapes on one camera, and Panasonics on another camera. I'm not sure if tape brands matter all that much, but I've never mixed brands on a camera, and haven't had a problem yet.
(knock on wood)
By the way, I get mine over at protape as well.
Too bad they moved way down south, kind of out of the way for me now since I'm up by the arboretum.
Heath Hays
July 12th, 2004, 02:07 PM
you guys are too kind. thanks for the suggestions and advice. Im about to order 100 tapes, so there will be no more "running to the store and getting whatever they have cause you need it NOW." Ill clean the heads tonite.