View Full Version : Need 4 min video film looked

Bob Andren
July 11th, 2004, 09:52 PM
I have a 4 min video I want to give film look to. Seek someone in the NY/NJ/CT area who can de-interlace it or film look with Magic Bullet at an indie friendly (inexpensive) rate.

Friend de-interlaced a previous version with his Vegas Video system and it looked good, but he moved away. I've seen impressive film look done with Magic Bullet so that's an option also. An editor acquaintance tired film looking it via Cinelook and I did not like the results, and his system was unable to do de-interlacing.

It's on miniDV, was shot with Canon XL1. Thanks for any help. I live in lower westchester cty, 30 min from NYC, and north NJ and 20 min from south CT. Have car, can travel.


Luis Caffesse
July 11th, 2004, 10:06 PM

I have a friend in New York who does incredible color work with DV. I just sent you an email as well.

Hope I can help you out with this,
