View Full Version : MZN10 Recording Capture Problems

Neal Moignard
July 8th, 2004, 09:33 PM
I'm using an MZN10 I have borrowed from a friend of mine to do some audio recording, just of voices. When I try to "Check-in" the recorded track onto my computer, an error occurs and the track wont load. I've heard about the issue with the automatic copywriting by Sony MDs, that doesn't allow you to bring recordings onto you computer; is this what I'm encountering?

If so, is my MD player completely useless for recording? Other people use it, so what method do they use to obtain their own recordings?

Thanks for any clarity you can bring.

Marco Leavitt
July 9th, 2004, 07:32 AM
The sad fact of life is that you will have to do an analog transfer, or buy a deck with optical outputs. They're hard to find now with the coming of HiMD. Why Sony feels the need to torture us just for buying their products is a continual mystery.

Neal Moignard
July 9th, 2004, 10:03 AM
What a spectacular waste of such a well designed device. That is very depressing, but thank you for the confirmation.