View Full Version : has anybody noticed...?

Josema Herraiz
July 6th, 2004, 07:01 PM
I shoot in 4:3 with my xl1 to preserve quality. When I want to get a film looking touch I use a letter-box made in Photoshop, applying it in Premiere, through transparencies and so on.
But I have noticed a problem. When I use the letter box-alpha channel the image becomes lighter...loss of quality?
Itīs very subtle but noticeable. any suggestions'

Rob Lohman
July 7th, 2004, 12:49 AM
I say it depends on what effect you use to get the mask over
your video and how you made your mask in the first place.

Try one of my masks I use in Vegas, can find them here (

Now these do NOT contain any alpha channels, so you must
indicate to Premiere that it is to use the (pure) white to show
the video. In Vegas I can easily tell it to do this. I have no idea
how you would do this in Premiere.

Josema Herraiz
July 7th, 2004, 02:53 AM
I have tried with your mask but the result is the same
I have tried also all the possibilities premiere offers to obtain transparencies
I insist, itīs very subtle, myself I have been using letterbox for a long time without seeing this loss of light.
Maybe I am losing my mind....
Thank you for your time!

Andre De Clercq
July 7th, 2004, 03:10 AM
I am not familiar with Premiere but if "cropping" is available, try to crop to 75% vertical. This should go faster too, because there is no processing (appart from de/recompressing) on the remaining video content.

Josema Herraiz
July 7th, 2004, 07:32 PM
I tried to use cropping in Premiere but the program didnīt obey me. Maybe this feature is not compatible with my pinnacle dv-500?
Finally, I have renounced the letterbox (and the film look)
It was just a wedding. Next time I see myself cutting frame by frame to obtain the black bars...
Perfectionism is so painful! (I am not proud of it, I swear! sometimes it is so close to stupidity!)
Thank you for your time, Andre!

Rob Lohman
July 8th, 2004, 01:39 AM
I would not want to crop, personally, so I can still move the
footage vertically under the bars to get the optimal framing.

Frank Ladner
July 8th, 2004, 07:31 AM
Josema: I've had similar problems when keying in Premiere. It looks as if the white isn't completely keyed out, but is left simi-transparent?

I do color correcting and add leterboxes in After Effects now. I use the basic "Color Key" filter on a pre-made 16:9 letterbox w/ white center and I key out the white (RGB 255, 255, 255). This works perfectly. After Effects you can import a PSD and tell it what layer to pull in, or pull in merged layers. Of course, the black bars would have to have been created on a separate layer, with a transparent middle. Anyhow, I forget whether or not Premiere allows you to do this, but that might work.

Oh, and maybe you could try 32 bit TGAs.

I'd hate for you to have to do it by hand!
