Greg Quinn
August 16th, 2009, 09:40 AM
I'm getting some strange rendering issues on some HDV footage that had the 3-way color corrector applied - blocky pixelation; anyone else having rendering problems? Also the rendering time estimation is completely wrong - suggests 2 hours when it's only a few minutes. Plus my previously fixed QMaster problems returned when I tried the new "Share" option directly from FCP. Oh well, something to do on a Sunday :(
Christopher Drews
August 17th, 2009, 03:51 AM
Most here condone editing HDV native. Not saying you can't do it but I'd try Pro-Res.
In fact, hit Apple+0, change your compressor to Pro-Res 422, re-render and see if the pixelation goes away. Although if this was working in 6.0.6 then I have no idea.
About Qmaster - they broke it. I'm convinced. The usual suspects are the versions of QuickTime and Qmaster/Qadmin. Make sure they match on every machine in your node.
Greg Quinn
August 17th, 2009, 06:19 AM
Thanks Chris;
Greg Quinn
August 17th, 2009, 06:01 PM
OK, following a post from another group, I set network to "built-in ethernet 2" (the port that I'm using), and enable port range from 50,000; number ports 1000. Share now works.