View Full Version : Project Recovery - Desperation!
Lance Spratt July 2nd, 2004, 11:36 AM Hello all,
I just had Vegas 4 crash on me while working in the trimmer. My screensaver engaged which it appears caused Vegas to crash. Of course I had not saved my work for about ten minutes. I re-opened the project to see what I lost, and I lost all of my work. I did check my preferences and "Enable Autosave" is checked.
My question is - where does Vegas save the autosaved file to - the file I am working within, or a temp location on the drive?
Is there any way to determine whether this info has been saved elsewhere or not?
As always, thanks for your help.
Graham Bernard July 2nd, 2004, 11:41 AM Look for the backup - *.bak - file .. it should be in the same folder that you kept the original .. yeah?
When I get a crash, my autosave comes back when I reopen Vegas asking me to open and save it as a nmed file . .did you get this when you re-openned vegas?
Lance Spratt July 2nd, 2004, 11:51 AM Grazie,
Thanks for the heads help! It was all there. Just a note - After it crashed, I opened the file I was working in and it did not come up with the question to open the autosaved file. It was when I launched the program from the Start that it came up and allowed me to recover my work.
Thanks agin for the support!
Graham Bernard July 2nd, 2004, 12:01 PM Excellent! ! ! !
Now, why did it go South when in Trimmer .. THAT'S a new one on me . . .h m mm ..
Lance Spratt July 2nd, 2004, 12:32 PM Grazie,
Good question! As I have no time to investigate, I have turned off my screen saver and all is well. This may be more related to the computer than Vegas itself. Time will tell.
Thanks again.
Rob Lohman July 3rd, 2004, 06:34 AM Screensavers are in my mind the root of all evil. Well, that might
be a bit over the top, but let me explain.
First: almost no monitor needs it these days anymore. And power
saving on your monitor is far better than a screensaver anyway.
Second the screensavers people install are getting funkier and
funkier taking more and more resources and people start
complaining about slow systems and whatnot.
It has also been known that some cool screensavers came with
virusses etc. since a lot of people seem to like cool screensavers.
Lastly it can interfere with others programs like you found out,
although that SHOULD not happen.
Then it begs to differ why have a screensaver at all. I have a very
high tech feature I employ: turn of my monitor.
Yes, it is a radical principle, I know. So to answer everybody's
question to what I do on my laptop? I close the lid. I have Windows
setup that it doesn't do any action at all (control panel -> power
options -> advanced) and the screen will turn off. Otherwise I
could also simply disable the monitor by switching to external
out only.
Thus far my rant on this topic.... I'm glad you where able to
recover your project though Lance!
K. Forman July 3rd, 2004, 06:42 AM Not only are screensavers a thorn to editors, but those really cool sounds that people use on their computers, can wreak havoc too...
I used to have some Star Trek sounds on my PC. One day, as I was proofing a client's video I had just finished. Out of nowhere, in the middle of the thing, you could clearly hear the Enterprise's doors opening... grrrrrr!
Back to the drawing board...
Rob Lohman July 3rd, 2004, 07:03 AM Good point Keith:
The first things I do after installing XP:
1) disable themes, go back to classic Windows look
2) disable screen saver
3) select "none" for sounds
4) disable things like showing only most used items and packing taskbar icons etc.
You get the idea <g>
K. Forman July 3rd, 2004, 07:09 AM Agreed, Rob. I go a step further by setting the power saver to about an hour on my edit machine. No solid reason, just cuz... I get a feeling that it is a problem just waiting to screw my rendering.
Rob Lohman July 3rd, 2004, 07:14 AM Yeah, I do similar things. It was just a short item list. I change a
LOT more than the short list I put up earlier. Nothing beats a good
customized and tuned system!
Trey Perrone July 7th, 2004, 03:36 AM if you really want to clean up XP (background proggies, etc.)
and put your swap file on a diff partition (or drive if possible) than OS.
and video on its own drive too