Ed Frazier
July 2nd, 2004, 08:18 AM
I need to get some professional advice regarding releases and contracts. Would I be correct in assuming that an attorney specializing in contracts would also be knowledgeable with regard to various types of releases necessary for the work we do? If not, what area of expertise would be more appropriate?
Richard Alvarez
July 2nd, 2004, 09:09 AM
Depending on your exact needs, someone who focusses on Intellectual Property Law, and more specifically Entertainment Law should be able to help you.
There is a great series of books on entertainment law and contracts written by Michael Weise (sp?) that might help you.
Ed Frazier
July 2nd, 2004, 03:11 PM
Thanks Richard, I appreciate the prompt response.
Peter Moore
July 5th, 2004, 08:11 AM
Someone who handles a lot of entertainment law and IP law would definitely be knowledgable. Someone who handles contracts but not a lot of IP would be competent but might not be quite as good. However, they also might charge much less and very well may do a fine job for you. I think a good polcy is to find the best lawyer you can trust - chances are he can handle most of the work you give him, and if he's honest, will refer you away if he can't. Of course finding someone trustworthy is easier said than done. :)