View Full Version : Panasonic wide angle adapter for mx500

Marco Mezzalana
July 1st, 2004, 04:30 AM
Hi everybody,
yesterday I've tested the pana wide angle adaptor, it work fine. I do some tests in the shop, I found a little lightloss (I think 1 iris division) but everybody knows the mx500 isn't useful for lowlight video (sigh). The wide adaptor do its work, I haven't found any image degradation, ther's a little barrle distorsion, but in my opinion (but I can do only few and short test) isn' noticeable.
I read it's became necessay an hood, but there'inst any screw in pana adaptor, can anyone tell me how much large is the front diameter of this adaptor (i forgot to measure it damn!). I have a clip-in 55mm hama hood, it's larger enough perhaps...


Ah...if other users use this device telle me your impression, I'm very courios....

Frank Granovski
July 1st, 2004, 05:15 AM
The Mamiya D70 lens hood for the M645/45mm fits perfectly on the Pana 43mm wide angle adaptor.

Patricia Kim
July 1st, 2004, 12:26 PM
Marco, if it's the same WA as for the gs100, then, as Frank suggests, the front end is 70mm. I tend to use the lens for indoor, low light shooting only (using the gs100's "smoothing" mode) because there's no vignetting. I don't use a hood with it. It's a heavy piece of glass and throws off the balance of the gs100, especially since I use the waist pack battery, but I find it excellent. On the other hand, my reference point is not that of someone who has to meet professional standards. The other WA I like, which actually captures a wider field but does show more barreling and vignetting, is the Raynox HD5000. It has front threads and takes a 62mm filter/hood.

Marco Mezzalana
July 1st, 2004, 03:36 PM
thanks for the replies,
I think I will buy this pretty device, ok is'nt no wide as other brand, but it's fully designed for my cam, and I found good image. I think it's use is useful in indoor ambient as patricia says...

Bruce Simpson
July 1st, 2004, 05:22 PM
I'm also using the genuine Pana WA lens and am happy with the results.

I found that the amount of barrel distortion is not noticeably more than that which is obtained without the WA lens (mind you -- I find the MX500 to be pretty poor in this regard anyway).

Marco Mezzalana
July 5th, 2004, 11:25 AM
thanks for replies, now I'm going to buy this item BUT, I found 2 different models of pana wide angle adaptor!Here they are:
VW-LW4307WE 111 €
VW-LW4307ME 160€
Now, there's a a price difference between them, but wich is other difference?I suppose the second one is the best, but why?



Patricia Kim
July 5th, 2004, 02:02 PM
Sounds like it might be a matter of one being wider angle than the other? Are there any specs on the box? (Won't they at least let you try them on your cam so you can check them out?) The one I have is 4307M and is a .7 wide, which accounts at least in part for the lesser amount of distortion. Another possibility is that one of the two lenses you're looking at has better resolution at the center. Again, best way to find out is try it on your cam.

Marco Mezzalana
July 6th, 2004, 01:06 AM
hmmm in Internet I found the second one have multicoated lenses to avoid ghost image... it sounds good!

Patricia Kim
July 6th, 2004, 01:25 AM
So ME stands for "multicoated (ghosts) exorcised"? :)

Frank Granovski
July 6th, 2004, 02:34 AM
Good one, Patricia.