View Full Version : Sunrise

Ulrik [fC]
November 4th, 2001, 06:32 AM
Hi ..,

some days ago I got my XL1s and I am HAPPY !!!

I love this cam, I collect my money for this for 1 1/2 year (well for the XL1, but all of a sudden the "s" version appeared) and it was worth all the waiting.

ok enough about that

I am just in the mood to film everything that may looks well and now I had the idea to film a sunrise, but I am affraid that something will happen to the lens.

Is there any problem if I film the sunrise with the standard XL1s (no extra filter or similar kinda stuff) and/ or will the sun burn the lens ?

May this question sounds stupid, but believe me I don't want to destroy the camera on its second day.

thanks for the help
and have a nice day

PS: some days ago I already filmed the moon, if you wanna see it check this out:

the file is compressed with DivX 311alpha

Adrian Douglas
November 4th, 2001, 08:03 AM
Ok, this IS NOT recommended by Canon and I take no responsibility for any damage that may be caused to your camera.

That being said, I filmed a sunrise for 30minutes and it was beautiful. I took every possible precaution, I used UV and Polariser filters as well as turned the gain to -3db. If you want some extra protection you could use the ND filter as wel.

Ulrik [fC]
November 6th, 2001, 02:57 AM
thanks a lot for the info.

I will wait till I have the cash to buy some filters then I am gonna shot the sun (rise). :-)


Rob Lohman
November 6th, 2001, 05:35 AM

I must say that's a very nice trailer! I was wondering
some things though... Why you re-encoded this at
640x480 and not leave it at it's native resolution?
My second question is how you shot this? Did you use
any special lenses? Settings? (gain?) ... And the
last one is about the music... Sounds a bit familiair?!?!
Did you buy this somewhere or was this also created?
If you bought it I'm interested to know how you've
accomplished this....

Looks great! Keep up the good work :)

November 6th, 2001, 06:17 AM
Hi Ulrik!

I've got a XL-1 and filmed a sunrise over hamburg city with just an UV-filter - no problem. As far as I know, you won't have trouble with your CCDs (except of the vertical-smear-effect). Only older tube-cameras are possible to burn away.
But take care of your viewfinder!!! Direct sunlight may destroy its LCD-display.

If you are looking for cheap filters, have a look at

The cokin filter system (you need the P-System for use with your XL-1 - don't forget a 72mm clamp ring) has a very good quality for its' price (for semiprofessional usage in my opinion).
Take a look at type "cokin p" into the search field. You always find some filters. Or you can visit the shop of

keep on filming,
greetings from Hamburg,

Ulrik [fC]
November 6th, 2001, 05:48 PM
@ Rob

well that was on the second day .. I just saw the moon, placed my XL1s on a tripod and start to film .. I used manual focus and I don't remember which gain, I just looked thru the EVF and it seemed to be fine .. I zoom to the max, because I wanted the moon and some clouds nothing else.

No special filters or other equipment were used - standard XL1s - hey I am just getting to know my XL1s, no time for extra stuff to use *grin*.

music - Trevor Jones - Dark City OST, means it is not mine .. I just tried around and this score fits perfect to the movement of the clouds :-) [and I have to write the script for the movie, which the trailer should be for, means up to now I have no more than the trailer *lol*]

thanks a lot ... I dunno anything about filters, but I will read through the pages you mentioned .. sounds interesting.

cya all
good luck