View Full Version : Greetings and a suggestion

Steve Gooderham
July 23rd, 2002, 06:09 PM

I am a expat Brit living in Southern Califronia (tough but some one has to do it).

After hovering around the outside of video, I have recently taken the plunge and invested in an XL1S, and a Canopus based NLE.

So far my experience has been very good, my wife and I (she is the creative one, I handle the Technology!) have put together a promo for a NASCAR racing team as well as a couple of smaller projects. I have found the whole package, including the Canopus system very easy to work with and capable of producing professional (in my opinion) results

I am looking for further cooperative projects with other XL1S users in the LA area, or would be willing to shoot establishing shots of the area for other budding film makers using this forum.

In fact that has just given me an idea, how about the Forum setting up an establishing shots section where worldwide users could shoot and exchange local material (The Hollywood sign/ Venice beach, etc for Australian surfers, or European alps, just an idea.

Anyway the forum looks great and I expect to be back many times.

Keep shooting

Steve G

Paul Sedillo
July 23rd, 2002, 07:09 PM

You could not have picked a better resource than This message board is a great resource (as you will soon discover), with great people. They have helped progress my XL1s knowledge at a rapid pace.

Welcome aboard!

Rik Sanchez
July 23rd, 2002, 08:06 PM
Nascar, very cool work you do, my sister and her family are very into Nascar racing, everyone has their own favorite driver, she would love to see your work, I would also,
do you have anything online?

Here is a link to an old thread, seems a bunch of users feel the same way you do, check out their post:

welcome to the neighborhood!

Rob Lohman
July 24th, 2002, 04:37 AM
Welcome aboard Steve! Sounds like your in an interesting line
of business.... Sharing material was indeed already a thread here
as pointed out above. Good to have you with us!

Keith Loh
July 24th, 2002, 10:13 AM
Steve, did you ever mount a camera in one of the cars? What methods did you use? I've been searching online a lot and there seems to be quite a few solutions. It wouldn't hurt to hear one more.

Steve Gooderham
July 25th, 2002, 04:49 PM

No I haven't placed a camera in the car. NASCAR are a bit touchy about that sort of thing bith form the safety angle, and the ownership of the footage. We had to go through all sorts of hoops just to get the XL1S into the pits.

I am at a race on Friday, and will check up on what is used by NASCAR and Speed vision, I will let you know if I manage to find any details on their equipment.

Best Regards

Steve G

Keith Loh
July 25th, 2002, 04:52 PM
Okay, that's great. I've searched for a number of methods for car mounts and found at least a dozen different methods from DIY to 10,000 kits.