Simon Wyndham
June 28th, 2004, 03:35 AM
I'm going to be working on an edit soon of a feature length DV project. If possible I would like to work on the edit with my co-director, but unfortunately he uses Premiere 6 <spit>. Because swapping VEG files via email for the films edit will be a lot easier than transferring DV footage or exporting EDLs that don't keep track of filenames, tape names etc, as well as many other reasons, I would like us both to use Vegas. I will be buying Vegas 5 soon. Obviously I won't have a need for my Vegas 4 then and so I was thinking of letting him have it.
The problem of course is VEG file compatibility. Can Vegas 4 load VEG files created with Vegas 5, and vice versa? Has anybody tried this?
Edward Troxel
June 28th, 2004, 07:14 AM
Vegas 5 can load files created in Vegas 4. Vegas 4 CANNOT load files created in Vegas 5. You either both need to use Vegas 4 or you both need Vegas 5.
Graham Bernard
June 28th, 2004, 07:43 AM
Edward, what will the saved as EDL txt file do for importing into V4 from a V5 session? EDL *.txt must be very simple .. but could it be used as a "last" resort .. ?
Edward Troxel
June 28th, 2004, 07:53 AM
It might work to a more limited degree but wouldn't be the same as using the same VEG file.
Simon Wyndham
June 28th, 2004, 08:56 AM
Hi Edward,
Thanks for the info.
Do you know how much detail is kept in an EDL file? I know I can't do fancy transitions etc, but our main use for edit transfers would be during the main editing process rather than the finalisation which will be done on one machine. For example, do the EDL files keep a list of the video filenames on the hard drive so that if we have both saved the video files under the same name it can use them?
Edward Troxel
June 28th, 2004, 09:07 AM
I would recommend testing before trying the EDL route. For a test, just export one and look inside. It's a simple text file so you can see exactly what information is being transferred.
Simon Wyndham
June 28th, 2004, 09:18 AM
Yeah. I'll give it a go. As soon as Sonys online store stops giving me an error message when I try to finalise an order!!
Edward Troxel
June 28th, 2004, 10:07 AM
Here's a sample EDL file (3 clips - 5 events each on two tracks)
1; 1; 0.0000; 22422.4000; 1.000000; FALSE; FALSE; 0; TRUE; FALSE; VIDEO; "D:\VMedia\SungaIntro.avi"; 0; 0.0000; 22422.4000; 0.0000; 0.0000; 1.000000; 4; 0.000000; 4; 0.000000; 0; -1; 4; 4; 0.000000; FALSE
2; 1; 22422.4000; 31698.3333; 1.000000; FALSE; FALSE; 0; TRUE; FALSE; VIDEO; "D:\VMedia\testintro.avi"; 0; 0.0000; 31698.3333; 0.0000; 0.0000; 1.000000; 4; 0.000000; 4; 0.000000; 0; -1; 4; 4; 0.000000; FALSE
3; 1; 54120.7333; 27360.6667; 1.000000; FALSE; FALSE; 0; TRUE; FALSE; VIDEO; "D:\VMedia\SungaIntro.avi"; 0; 22422.4000; 27360.6667; 0.0000; 0.0000; 1.000000; 4; 0.000000; 4; 0.000000; 0; -1; 4; 4; 0.000000; FALSE
4; 1; 81481.4000; 2969.6333; 1.000000; FALSE; FALSE; 0; TRUE; FALSE; VIDEO; "D:\VMedia\Untitled.avi"; 0; 0.0000; 2969.6333; 0.0000; 0.0000; 1.000000; 4; 0.000000; 4; 0.000000; 0; -1; 4; 4; 0.000000; FALSE
5; 1; 84451.0333; 24557.8666; 1.000000; FALSE; FALSE; 0; TRUE; FALSE; VIDEO; "D:\VMedia\SungaIntro.avi"; 0; 49783.0667; 24557.8666; 0.0000; 0.0000; 1.000000; 4; 0.000000; 4; 0.000000; 0; -1; 4; 4; 0.000000; FALSE
6; 0; 0.0000; 22422.4000; 1.000000; FALSE; FALSE; 0; TRUE; FALSE; AUDIO; "D:\VMedia\SungaIntro.avi"; 0; 0.0000; 22422.4000; 0.0000; 10.0000; 1.000000; 2; 0.000000; -2; 0.000000; 0; -1; -2; 2; 0.000000; FALSE
7; 0; 22422.4000; 31698.3333; 1.000000; FALSE; FALSE; 0; TRUE; FALSE; AUDIO; "D:\VMedia\testintro.avi"; 0; 0.0000; 31698.3333; 0.0000; 10.0000; 1.000000; 2; 0.000000; -2; 0.000000; 0; -1; -2; 2; 0.000000; FALSE
8; 0; 54120.7333; 27360.6667; 1.000000; FALSE; FALSE; 0; TRUE; FALSE; AUDIO; "D:\VMedia\SungaIntro.avi"; 0; 22422.4000; 27360.6667; 10.0000; 10.0000; 1.000000; 2; 0.000000; -2; 0.000000; 0; -1; -2; 2; 0.000000; FALSE
9; 0; 81481.4000; 2969.6250; 1.000000; FALSE; FALSE; 0; TRUE; FALSE; AUDIO; "D:\VMedia\Untitled.avi"; 0; 0.0000; 2969.6250; 0.0000; 0.0000; 1.000000; 2; 0.000000; -2; 0.000000; 0; -1; -2; 2; 0.000000; FALSE
10; 0; 84451.0333; 24557.8666; 1.000000; FALSE; FALSE; 0; TRUE; FALSE; AUDIO; "D:\VMedia\SungaIntro.avi"; 0; 49783.0667; 24557.8666; 10.0000; 10.0000; 1.000000; 2; 0.000000; -2; 0.000000; 0; -1; -2; 2; 0.000000; FALSE
It seemed to open fine in 4.
Simon Wyndham
June 28th, 2004, 10:13 AM
Excellent thanks! :-)
I just wish that Sony would get their online store sorted out! I've tried what must have been 30 times and I get everything from Error 500-100's to very rarely getting to the confirmation screen but with some error gobbledeegook and no option to complete the order!
Edward Troxel
June 28th, 2004, 10:31 AM
Call Customer Service - they should be able to help you.
Graham Bernard
June 28th, 2004, 10:31 AM
Please to have made the suggestion too! - G
Simon Wyndham
June 30th, 2004, 02:37 AM
Finally got Vegas 5. Very happy with it so far! I didn't realise it came with some of the Magic Bullet looks. Just a shame they are so slow.
Was also happy to find Boris Grafitti LTD with it.
Definitely money well spent.
Now there is just the problem of transferring my 4.0 license over to my colleague since I don't have any use for it anymore.