Graham Bernard
June 27th, 2004, 01:51 AM
Anybody used this with success with Vegas? Can't get PM to "grab" my Vegas preset - Sound Forge yes, in fact excellent - Vegas no .. .
View Full Version : You used Preset Manager? Graham Bernard June 27th, 2004, 01:51 AM Anybody used this with success with Vegas? Can't get PM to "grab" my Vegas preset - Sound Forge yes, in fact excellent - Vegas no .. . TIA Grazie Edward Troxel June 27th, 2004, 05:06 AM I downloaded it but never installed it. My settings are, generally, pretty simple but there HAS been I time or two I wanted to move a preset between mechines. In reading the other post, I was just thinking I need to check it out. Can't you just copy the folder mentioned in the other thread? Graham Bernard June 27th, 2004, 07:37 AM Edward, most probably. There was also a time when I would have taken a Pony 'n Trap to London . . . hey I aint being facetious, but if it is called a Preset Manager and the Online Help file states how useful it is for Vegas to .. . er . . manage presets . .. why should we need to invoke a work-around? This is what you are suggesting .. yeah? If it is broke, Sony should fix it! - Me being incompetent [you have not said I am, rather you are inviting me to "use" a fix] maybe will motivate the Sony Guys and Girlz to get it sorted? .. Maybe? . . . . Like I said, for the audio it is great. The presets I've made are all there! Cooo .. I have made a few . .. spent hours and hours putting them together .. I've got ones that "lifts" a muffled mic talent to something akin to Mike Jagger .. at Wembley Stadium! . .So, I've invested time in getting my Vegas Presets .. It WOULD be neat if PM did work Vegas as it does for SF .. nothing more ... nothing less. . . Grazie Peter Wright June 27th, 2004, 08:16 PM I agree Grazie - it's not as easy as it could be! Mine shows a few Vegas FX, in Folders called "FX Chains" and "FX Plugins", but there are several others I can't find, particularly some rendering presets. It needs a better step by step guide in the Help files to find where they all are, and how to add them to the Preset Manager. Graham Bernard June 27th, 2004, 10:52 PM Peter . . ."Not as easy as it could be" ? Peter does it work for Vegas? . . Well not for me anyway . . . Are you using a "work-around"? . . . Do you get FX chains? From where and how? .. . I've tried to collect some Text Presets . .doesn't it do these? If not, the Help file needs to reflect the limitations - if this is the case. I really like the concept of PM. Yes, the option for me to store and replace them after a major re-install. BUT the biggy could/would be for using PM to "remind" me what I'd got available to! ... Something akin to browsing through a Grazie Catalogue .. yeah? .. The other thing, Pete, was how on Earth did you understand my typing ?!? !?! ?! I just re-read it and the spilling was atrocious! ! Thanks for the feedback and support .. Grazie Peter Wright June 27th, 2004, 11:07 PM I don't know how I got any Vegas presets - they were just there! I'm sure there's an explanation for all this - I just don't know it yet! Graham Bernard June 27th, 2004, 11:19 PM . .oh . . Thanks Pete . . Were these presets you had made? Of course, must've been . . What type of presets? Maybe PM will only recognose FXs or P/C or whatever. I did a Text Preset .. . maybe it doesn't recognise these .. . So what type of Vegas Preset did PM recognise? TIA, Grazie Peter Wright June 28th, 2004, 01:37 AM It found one Vdeo FX Chain preset "Border and Swirl", and the others were Audio Presets, but all from Vegas rather than Sound Forge. Graham Bernard June 28th, 2004, 02:27 AM I presume "Border and Swirl" was one of yours? . .. "but all from Vegas rather than Sound Forge." . . Your Audio presets came from Vegas? Now that's different . . My Presets "appear" to come from my playing around in SF . . now I'm lost too! Grazie Peter Wright June 28th, 2004, 02:41 AM Yes, if I can fix audio in Vegas I do - I am gathering a growing collection of Compression, EQ and Reverb pre-settings, which I often use at a Track level in Vegas. I don't think I've saved any in Sound Forge ..... yet. I do use Noise Reduction in SF, and I should be saving everything - costs nothing! Thanks for the nudge, Grazie. I'm not sure if I created "Border and Swirl" or not - I think I did, after reading about saving Chains, but I may have downloaded it - anyway it's here in Preset Manager. I've posted to SonyTSW on your thread in the Sony forum, so hopefully he'll give us a kick-start .... or at least a kick! Graham Bernard June 28th, 2004, 02:48 AM HAH! . . . Okay. What it is pointing to is an ability to "collect" Audio Presets across platforms - Vegas or SF - this is a good thing . . However, the Border and Swirl thingy, coming from Vegas (?) has got me confused as to what and how PM goes about discriminating. . .. . . BTW, I've just looked in my Media Generators tab "Text" folder, and there is my Text format I saved about an hour ago . . But it aint being picked up by PM . . . weird! Grazie Peter Wright June 28th, 2004, 03:23 AM Mmm ... Border and Swirl - a chain of two video FX. It gives you a bevelled edge (Border FX) and "screws up" the picture (Swirl FX) "created 11 April. It was in a folder called Program Files > Sonic Foundry > Vegas 4.0 > Presets > FX Packages > very long numbersandletters > Border and Swirl.sfv incidentally ... if it's only an hour since you saved that Text format - perhaps PM is deciding whether it wants to find it or not? Software with attitude ..... Graham Bernard June 28th, 2004, 03:46 AM . . very good. ."Software with attitude ....." . . Like nails in one's underpants?!?! |